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Showing 1341 - 1360 of 1435 results

Sangeeth Thiruvoth

Role at ANSTO

Analysis of environmental samples (predominantly soils, groundwaters, vegetation and biota) for the presence of radionuclide via chromatographic separation methods.

Design and Innovation Lecturer
Design and Innovation Lecturer

David Mesa is a product design engineer who has worked on many innovations and new product development projects. As a designer, he helped other companies solve their problems through design.

Pamela Naidoo-Ameglio
Group Executive, Nuclear Operations and Nuclear Medicine

Pamela is an Executive leader with a background in technology, mining, geoscience, operational and corporate roles in public and private sector corporations and NFPs in Africa and Australasia.

Gita Rahardjo
Commercial Technical Consultant, NST Strategic Research Services and Engagement

Role at ANSTO

Michael Moir
Organic Synthetic Chemist, National Deuteration Facility

Role at ANSTO

Nathan MacKay
Sustainability Manager - ANSTO

Nathan is the Sustainability Manager at ANSTO where his role incorporates environmental, financial, and social sustainability for the future.

Dr Dean Morris
Senior Manager, Synchrotron Operations

Dean was born in Wales and completed a PhD in X-ray optics at the Daresbury and Brookhaven synchrotrons. His first job was building a surface science beamline at Elettra in Italy.

Sarah Headshot
Education Officer. Training and Educational Coordinator

Sarah is a dedicated and passionate science educator.

Pratibah Kohli
Masters of Design Student - Swinburne University

Being in her final year of Masters of Design at Swinburne University, Pratibha started her journey as a Lifestyle Product designer. With an itch of curiosity, she has been expanding her knowledge base into multiple areas of design.

Amelia Iverson
Hydrogen Hub Community Facilitator - Design Factory Melbourne

Amelia Iverson is a Community Facilitator with the new VH2 Hydrogen Hub at Swinburne.

Ms Kellie-Anne Farrawell
Tritium Facility Officer

Role at ANSTO

Kellie-Anne Farrawell is the Tritium Facility Officer who works within the Isotope Tracing in Natural Systems platform within Nuclear Science and Technology.
