Role at ANSTO
Dr Christina Kamma-Lorger is the Lead Scientist for the BioSAXS beamline at the Australian Synchrotron. BioSAXS is one of the new beamlines that will be constructed within the BRIGHT program. Christina leads the design, procurement, installation and commission of BioSAXS. She engages with stakeholders and the user community in order to provide technical and scientific direction to the construction of the beamline.
Her expertise is in the use of biophysical methods to biomedical research. She completed her PhD and a 5-year MRC-UK funded post doc at Cardiff University, where she gained valuable experience as a regular user at most of the major synchrotrons in Europe. She joined ANSTO after spending 7,5 years in ALBA Synchrotron in Spain as a beamline scientist at the NCD-SWEET beamline. Her research interests involve the study of fibrillar proteins in situ and in solution using synchrotron SAXS/WAXS, FTIR as well as confocal and electron microscopy. She has a keen interest in the development of skin cancer diagnostics and therapeutic approaches as well as developing methods for tissue engineering.
SAXS/WAXS, electron microscopy tomography, FTIR, fibrillar proteins, tissue engineering, skin cancer, corneal structure, cell culture, stem cells.
Qualifications & Achievements
- Research Associate at the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University. Position was funded by Medical Research Council, UK on a 5 year programme grant (2007-2012)
- PhD in Cell Biology and Biophysics from Cardiff University, UK. Received full departmental studentship (2007)
- MSc in Molecular Modelling from Cardiff University, UK. Received full studentship from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2002)
- BSc (Hons) Biology with Genetics from the University of Bedfordshire, UK (2001)