Role at ANSTO
Dr Joseph Bevitt is a senior instrument scientist on the Dingo radiograph/tomography/imaging station, and scientific coordinator for the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.
Joseph is collaborating with both Australian and international museums and universities to pioneer the use of neutron and synchrotron X-ray microCT (3D imaging of objects using neutrons or X-rays with micrometre resolution) in the areas of palaeontology, archaeology and cultural heritage. Namely, to digitally excavate and reconstruct fossils without physical extraction from surrounding rock; to investigate disease and cultural practices revealed through mummified remains; and to determine methods of manufacturing ancient cultural artefacts. Joseph also engages with industry to achieve commercial applications of neutron tomography, including rapid neutron imaging techniques for time-resolved structural analysis of concrete, steel and other high-performance materials; and neutron irradiation for cancer therapy research.
As Scientific Coordinator, Joseph coordinates access to the world-class neutron beam instruments at the OPAL nuclear research reactor at ANSTO, and is responsible for the peer-review, approval and scheduling of all proposals.
Dr Bevitt obtained his PhD in chemistry from the University of Sydney in 2006. He has extensive experience in research administration, management, research policy and teaching. In his most recent prior role as Manager of ANSTO's Research Office, Joseph was responsible for leading and managing ANSTO's User Office, Grants Office and Knowledge Centre (Australia's nuclear library) functions; seeking and supporting new opportunities for nuclear science. He managed implementation of the Australian Governments Excellence in Research for Australian (ERA) initiative at the University of Sydney, and is a former NSW Branch President of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and a Guest Research Fellow of the Jilin University Dinosaur Evolution Research Center.
Dr Bevitt is a keen science communicator who seeks to expand awareness of the positive impact of science through forums with industry, government, community groups and the educational sector. He has a particular interest in the education, development and mentoring of young scientists. He has authored extensive educational materials for secondary schools.
Dr Bevitt can proudly state that his work and research are his passion and hobby (along with reading, the comfort of good homemade food, travel and Lego!