Role at ANSTO
Dr Andrew Stevenson is the Lead Scientist for the Micro-Computed Tomography (MCT) beamline at the Australian Synchrotron. MCT is one of the first beamlines under construction as part of the BR–GHT program and will provide complementary X-ray imaging and tomography capability, in response to key science drivers articulated within the user community, to the existing Imaging & Medical beamline (IMBL).
Andrew is seconded to ANSTO from CSIRO and he has extensive experience in the use of X-rays for materials characterisation, via innovative scattering, diffraction, optics and imaging approaches. His research work has involved use of both laboratory-based X-ray sources and various synchrotron facilities worldwide. Andrew was heavily involved in the early planning and design work for IMBL and was seconded to the Australian Synchrotron to work as a beamline scientist at IMBL for over five years prior to his current role.
X-ray diffraction, scattering, optics; X-ray imaging & tomography (including phase-contrast); dosimetry & radiotherapy; instrumentation.
Qualifications & Achievements
Example content:
- BSc (Hons), School of Physics, Univ. of Melbourne, 1979
- PhD, School of Physics, Univ. of Melbourne, 1984
- Part of CSIRO team responsible for formation of spin-off company, XRT Ltd.
- CSIRO Radiation Safety Officer (1998-2014)
- CSIRO Project Leader for VCAMM, CAST-CRC and CMSE CDF projects
- CSIRO Team Leader - X-Ray Science & Instrumentation (XRSI) team (2011-2014)
- Completed 5-day Gustav Käser training course (“Management One”)
- Fellow, Australian Institute of Physics (1989‑ )
- CSIRO Medal (1998) - as part of a teamresponsible for the development of phase-contrast X-ray imaging methods using laboratory-based microfocus sources
Committees, Affiliations & memberships
- Member of ASRP Photon Factory and Advanced Photon Source Specialist Committees (1997-2008)
- Deputy-Chair of Beamline Advisory Panel for IMBL, Australian Synchrotron (2011-2012)
- Member of AIP Vic. Branch committee (2003-2012 incl. Chair 2011-2012)
- Associate Editor of journal Medical Physics (2005-2011)
- Member of the Australian Synchrotron User Advisory Committee (2010-2012)
- Associate Editor of journal Physica Medica (2016 - )
- Scientific Board Member, “K26746 Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics & Technology” (2017)