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Sydney - Access

Sydney Access Proposals

ANSTO’s user office in Sydney offers access to a wide range of world-class research infrastructure including neutron beam instruments, deuteration facilities and accelerators. ANSTO seeks collaboration and partnerships with research organisations, scientific users and commercial users.

ANSTO Research Portal

Your gateway to all ANSTO research facilities, including Centre for Neutron Scattering, Biosciences, Centre for Accelerator Science, Nuclear Stewardship, and much more.

Legacy ACNS Customer Portal

Use the legacy ACNS Customer Portal to access other ACNS/NDF proposal types, including past proposals.

Australian Synchrotron Portal

Use this portal to submit proposals and subsequent experiments for access to the Australian Synchrotron. 


Proposal round deadlines

The call for proposals deadlines is shown in the tables below. The User Office will be able to provide assistance to 5pm on the day of the proposal deadline. Please be aware that the proposal system may experience heavy use in hours leading up to the deadline, so ensure that your proposals are submitted earlier, if possible.

Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering & National Deuteration Facility

 Key Dates
Proposal Round2025-1
Access PeriodFebruary 2025 - July 2025
Call for proposals opensJuly 2024
Call for proposals closes16 September 2024 11:59pm (AEST)
Capabilities and Facilities Offered in this round

Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering

National Deuteration Facility

Users notified of outcomeFrom November 2024
How to applyApplications open July 2024

Other ANSTO Capabilities and Facilities 

 Key Dates
Proposal Round 2025-1
Access PeriodJanuary - June 2025
Call for proposals closes30 August 2024 11:59pm (AEST)
Capabilities and Facilities Offered in this round

The Centre for Accelerator Science

Environment Research and Technology Group

Health Research and Technology Group


Vivarium Facility 

Nuclear Stewardship 

Users notified of outcomeFrom November 2024
How to applyApplications are now open

User guide

General tips for creating your proposal
  • To be able to submit a proposal in the portal, you will need to register an account and fill in your personal details. User Profiles WON’T be brought across from the legacy ACNS Customer Portal.  Users will have to create their accounts and it is recommended to use the same details as for the Legacy ACNS Customer Portal. Please do not set up multiple accounts.
  • Discuss your project with relevant ANSTO scientist(s) before selecting capabilities or facilities. ANSTO’s scientists can work with you to develop your proposal, advise on the most appropriate capability or facility selections, help you optimise the use of our capabilities or facilities. See the capabilities section to view the local contacts. 
  • All questions which have a red asterisk * must be answered. You don’t have to complete the questions in sequence, however, you will not be able to submit your proposal if you haven’t answered all of the questions.
  • If you add figures to your proposal use the file upload facility on this page. You may add five (5) files of up to 3MB each. The file formats may be jpeg, jpg, pdf, and png.
  • If the user group has not used ANSTO’s capabilities or facilities before, check the First Time User box.
  • Ensure to include all ANSTO staff who will contribute to this proposal and any people who will be associated with the outputs &/or outcomes of this project.
  • The Principal Research Scientist can only submit the proposal.
  • Save your work frequently to avoid system time-out.
  • Avoid using the 'Back' button in your internet browser as the portal will return an error and you may lose valuable un-saved work. You should only ever use the portal-specific buttons to navigate the portal.
  • Enable Javascript, cookies and pop-ups on your website browser.
Proposal Examples
Portal user guides

ACNS & NDF user guide
This user guide provides information to external merit researchers, commercial clients, scientific collaborators and partners who use the ANSTO Research Portal to submit proposals for access to the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering and National Deuteration Facility.

Download guide

Other Lucas Heights facilities user guide
This user guide provides information to external merit researchers, commercial clients, scientific collaborators and partners who use the ANSTO Research Portal to submit proposals for access to ANSTO's capabilities and facilities. 

Download the ANSTO Research Portal user guide


Contact the Sydney user office

Office Hours Sydney: Monday to Friday 8.00am- 5.00pm