Role at ANSTO
Dr Renata Lippi is a Senior Project Manager at ANSTO Australian Synchrotron. She currently manages capital projects, including the Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Beamlines and the Macromolecular Crystallography MX-2 Beamline upgrade. Dr Lippi first joined ANSTO as a Beamline Scientist for the Advanced Diffraction and Scattering Beamlinescarrying out activities related to the beamlines design and experimental techniques development.
Furthermore, Dr Lippi’s has expertise in catalytic materials for renewable energy carriers and fuels and in situ/in operando experiments. Prior to joining ANSTO, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Project Leader at CSIRO Energy and worked on several research projects on CO2 hydrogenation, ammonia synthesis and H2 utilisation. Renata has years of experience running the High-Throughput Catalysis facility and led the construction of a Robotic Furnace Laboratory both located at CSIRO Clayton.
Powder diffraction, in situ/in operando catalysis experiments, CO2 hydrogenation, H2 utilisation, high-throughput techniques.
Qualifications & Achievements
- CSIRO Future Science Platform Postdoctoral Fellowship (2018-2020)
- Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence (2018)
- PhD in Chemistry from the University of Adelaide (2018)
- CSIRO Medal for Health, Safety and Environment Achievement (2014)
- Beacon of Enlightenment PhD Scholarship (2014-2017)
- Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from the University of Sao Paulo (2014)
Committees, Affiliations & memberships
- Committee member, Women in Chemistry (RACI Victorian Branch)
- Member, Australian X-ray Analytical Association