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Think Science! A Nationwide Science Event

Think Science! 2025: Bringing science skills together

A free, nationwide science competition for primary and secondary school students in Years 3 to 10, Think Science! encourages students to work as part of a team to perform an investigation using the Science Inquiry skills from the Australian Curriculum and document their process and findings in a video.  Over $10,000 in prizes are on offer for winning schools and students. 

In 2025, Think Science! will run from Monday 28th April until Friday 4th July. Winners will be announced during National Science Week.  We are working hard on some exciting new resources to make sure the Think Science! competition 2025 is the best one yet!

Registrations open Monday 28th April 2025. 

Keep an eye on this page for updates and resources! Coming very soon!

Get excited for Think Science! 2025 - check out our winners from last year!

2024 Summary and Results

Think Science logo
Think Science Banner 2

What is Think Science!?

At ANSTO, we believe science is for everyone! Think Science! is suitable for students of all levels and abilities. This teams-based competition encourages an interactive learning environment that provides insights into how scientists work. Teachers will be supported with resources to assist with incorporating investigations and the Science Inquiry skills into class lessons. Most importantly, we aim to make science fun.

Think Science! asks students, in small teams of 2 - 4 individuals, to conduct a first-hand science investigation on a topic of their choosing. Students will document how they followed all steps of the Science Inquiry strand of the Australian Curriculum.

Teams will submit a short video, 3 - 4 minutes long for primary students and 4 - 5 minutes long for secondary students, to ANSTO, which summarises and showcases their investigation and science inquiry skills. Communication is an important science skill, and the video that teams create will determine their success in Think Science! 2025. Timing is crucial - videos must not exceed the allocated time. Unleash your creativity and produce a video that showcases how science can be fun, daring and innovative!

The competition is flexible. Any science topic can be chosen, including content being taught in classes, and provides an opportunity to include digital technology skills. No special equipment or materials are required. Schools from any State or Territory across Australia are invited to join in.


Why participate?

All students must learn Science Inquiry skills as part of the Australian Curriculum. Think Science! enables students to engage with science content and practice skills in an enjoyable and creative way. 

Any Australian student in Years 3 to 10 can participate as a part of a small team and be in the running for great prizes for their school. The students in the winning team in each category will also receive an individual prize.

Would you like to be a part of Think Science!? 

Who can enter

School students in Years 3 to 10 from all States/Territories of Australia can enter Think Science!

Classes or student teams must be entered by a teacher.

If you are an individual student, tell your teacher about this event and ask them to register you and your team of 2 to 4 people.

Homeschool teams are welcome to register for Think Science! Homeschool entries will be eligible for student prizes.

Important Dates

Registration opens: Monday 28th April 2025

Closing date for submission of entries: Friday 4th July 2025

Winners announced during National Science Week (9th-17th August 2025)

Think Science 2024 Winners

Congratulations to all our winners in Think Science! 2024!

2024 Winners

Do you have a question?

Don't hesitate to contact the ANSTO Think Science! Team if you have any questions about the Think Science! event.

The ANSTO Think Science! team

Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator
Program Advisor
Program Advisor
Julie Mulholland BSc (Hons) Dip Ed

Rochelle Donohue BAnVetBioSc BEd (Prim)

GradCertPrimScEd GradCertEdDes

Sarah Tyler BSc Dip Ed                   


Rochelle Gadd BMedSc