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Showing 161 - 180 of 591 results


Gamma irradiation

ANSTO operates a range of cobalt-60 gamma irradiators, providing the Australian community with a range of irradiation services for medical, health, industry, agriculture and research purposes.

Jenolan caves

Reconstructing Australia’s fire history from cave stalagmites

Research is being undertaken through an Australian Research Council Discovery Project "Reconstructing Australia’s fire history from cave stalagmites", led by Professor Andy Baker at UNSW Sydney and Dr. Pauline Treble at ANSTO. The project aims to calibrate the fire-speleothem relationship and develop coupled fire and climate records for the last millennium in southwest Australia.


Reducing cadmium in cocoa

New international limits on the cadmium content of cacao products have spurred research to discover how cadmium accumulates in cacao beans, and the effects of processing.


Registered Research Service Providers

ANSTO is a registered Research Service Provider (RSP), registration number 12657, under section 29A of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986.

Dr Pauline Treble
Project Joint Lead Investigator/Isotope Paleoclimateologist

Role at ANSTO

Advanced materials and manufacturing processes

Advanced materials and manufacturing processes

ANSTO infrastructure and capabilities are ideally suited for solving problems relating to the development and characterisation of advanced materials, the engineering of manufactured components and manufacturing processes.

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced materials and manufacturing processes

ANSTO infrastructure and capabilities is ideally suited for solving problems relating to the development and characterisation of advanced materials, the engineering of manufactured components and manufacturing processes.
