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Showing 101 - 120 of 127 results


Anonymised Review

ANSTO has agreed to participate in an Australian trial of a review of research infrastructure access proposals in which applicants remain anonymous to aid the removal of structural barriers to the career progression of Women in STEM.

High-energy heavy ion microprobe

High-energy heavy ion microprobe

The high-energy heavy-ion microprobe is used for the characterisation or modification of material properties at depths from approximately 1 micrometre to maximum depths of up to 500 micrometres from the material surface. 

Dr Pauline Treble
Project Joint Lead Investigator/Isotope Paleoclimateologist

Role at ANSTO

Dr Yingjie Zhang
Principal Research Scientist, Manager - Spent Fuel Program (Nuclear Fuel Cycle)

Role at ANSTO

A fun introduction to nuclear science for primary school students.
