Highlights - Magnetism
Project Highlights
- Uncovering the magnetic interface of functional transition-metal-oxide thin films
- Magnetism in battery research
- Giant magnetoelastic effect in a 5d transition-metal oxide
- Ferroelectric charge order stabilized by antiferromagnetism in multiferroic LuFe2O4
- High-temperature magnetism in CaTcO3 and SrTcO3
- Artificially modulated chemical order in magnetic thin films
- First experiments with 7T cryomagnet
Listed are all publications related to the Magnetism Project, based on results from OPAL or by ACNS staff members, in the last five years.
Transition-metal magnetism
Fujihala, M; Mitsuda, S; Mole, RA; Yu, DH; Watanabe, I; Yano, S; Kuwai, T; Sagayama, H; Kouchi, T; Kamebuchi, H and Tadokoro, M, Spin dynamics and magnetic ordering in the quasi-one-dimensional S= 1/2 antiferromagnet Na2CuSO4Cl2, Physical Review B101, 2 (2020) (from PELICAN, SIKA) DOI
Injac, S; Yuen, AKL; Avdeev, M; Wang, CH; Turner, P; Brand, HEA and Kennedy, BJ, Structural and Magnetic Studies of ABO4-Type Ruthenium and Osmium Oxides, Inorg. Chem.59(5), 2791-2802 (2020) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Mohammed, MH; Cheng, ZX; Cao, S; Rule, KC; Richardson, C; Edwards, A; Studer, AJ and Horvat, J, Non-zero spontaneous magnetic moment along crystalline b-axis for rare earth orthoferrites, J. Appl. Phys.127, 11 (2020) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Shinde, G.S., Gond, R., Avdeev, M., Ling, C.D., Rao, R.P., Adams, S. and Barpanda, P., Revisiting the layered Na3Fe3(PO4)4 phosphate sodium insertion compound: Structure, magnetic and electrochemical study., Materials Research Express7(1), 014001 (2020) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Sun, X; Cong, D; Ren, Y; Liss, K-D; Brown, DE; Ma, Z; Hao, S; Xia, W; Chen, Z; Ma, L; Zhao, X; He, Z; Liu, J; Li, R and Wang, Y, Magnetic-field-induced strain-glass-to-martensite transition in a Fe-Mn-Ga alloy, Acta Mater.183, 11-23 (2020) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Benacchio, G; Titov, I; Malyeyev, A; Peral, I; Bersweiler, M; Bender, P; Mettus, D; Honecker, D; Gilbert, EP; Coduri, M; Heinemann, A; Mühlbauer, S; Çakır, A; Acet, M and Michels, A, Evidence for the formation of nanoprecipitates with magnetically disordered regions in bulk Ni50Mn45In5 Heusler alloys, Phys. Rev. B99(18), 184422 (2019) (from QUOKKA) DOI
Brown, AJ; Xia, Q; Avdeev, M; Kennedy, BJ and Ling, CD, Synthesis-Controlled Polymorphism and Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties of Li3Co2SbO6, Inorg. Chem. (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Cao, Y; Lin, K; Liu, Z; Hu, J; Wang, CW; Avdeev, M; Li, Q; Deng, J; Chen, J; Zhang, H and Xing, X, Neutron Diffraction Study of Unusual Magnetic Behaviors in the Ho2Fe11Al6 Intermetallic Compound, Inorg. Chem. (2019) (from ECHIDNA, WOMBAT) DOI
Chin, CM; Battle, PD; Hunter, EC; Avdeev, M; Hendrickx, M and Hadermann, J, Magnetic properties of La3Ni2SbxTayNb1–x–yO9 ; from relaxor to spin glass , J. Solid State Chem.273, 175-185 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Chin, CM; Battle, PD; Hunter, EC; Avdeev, M; Hendrickx, M and Hadermann, J, Stabilisation of magnetic ordering in La3Ni2-xCuxB’O9 (B’ = Sb, Ta, Nb) by the introduction of Cu2+, J. Solid State Chem.276, 164-172 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Deng, G; Yu, Y; Cao, Y; Feng, Z; Ren, W; Cao, S; Studer, AJ; Hester, JR; Kareri, Y; Ulrich, C and McIntyre, GJ, Large easy-plane anisotropy induced spin reorientation in magnetoelectric materials (Co4-xMnx)Nb2O9, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter31(23), 235801 (2019) (from ECHIDNA, WOMBAT) DOI
Freeman, PG; Giblin, SR; Skoulatos, M; Mole, RA and Prabhakaran, D, Wave Vector Difference of Magnetic Bragg Reflections and Low Energy Magnetic Excitations in Charge-stripe Ordered La2NiO4.11, Sci Rep 9, 1 (2019) DOI
Gandhi, AC; Li, TY; Peng, JC; Wang, CW; Chan, TS; Lin, JG and Wu, SY, Concomitant Magnetic Memory Effect in CrO2-Cr2O3 Core-Shell Nanorods: Implications for Thermal Memory Devices, ACS applied nano materials2(12), 8027-8042 (2019) (from ECHIDNA, WOMBAT) DOI
Hagihala, M; Hayashida, S; Avdeev, M; Manaka, H; Kikuchi, H and Masuda, T, Magnetic states of coupled spin tubes with frustrated geometry in CsCrF4, npj Quantum Materials4(1), 14 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Haraguchi, Y; Nawa, K; Michioka, C; Ueda, H; Matsuo, A; Kindo, K; Avdeev, M; Sato, T. J. and Yoshimura, K, Frustrated magnetism in the J1-J2 honeycomb lattice compounds MgMnO3 and ZnMnO3 synthesized via a metathesis reaction, Phys. Rev. Mater.3, 124406 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Hase M., Hester J. R., Rule K. C., Pomjakushin V. Yu., Matsuo A., and Kindo K., Reduction of the ordered magnetic moment by quantum fluctuation in the antiferromagnetic spin-5/2 dimer compound FeVMoO7, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.88(3), 034711 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Heinze, L; Bastien, G; Ryll, B; Hoffmann, JU; Reehuis, M; Ouladdiaf, B; Bert, F; Kermarrec, E; Mendels, P; Nishimoto, S; Drechsler, SL; Rößler, UK; Rosner, H; Büchner, B; Studer, AJ; Rule, KC; Süllow, S and Wolter, AUB, Magnetic phase diagram of the frustrated spin chain compound linarite PbCuSO4(OH)2 as seen by neutron diffraction and 1H-NMR, Phys. Rev. B99(9), 094436 (2019) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Huang, C-H; Wang, C-W; Chang, C-C; Lee, Y-C; Huang, G-T; Wang, M-J and Wu, M-K, Anomalous magnetic properties in Mn(Se, S) system, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.483, 205-211 (2019) (from ECHIDNA, WOMBAT) DOI
Hunter, Emily C., Simon Mousdale, Peter D. Battle, and Maxim Avdeev. , Magnetisation reversal in Ca2PrCr2NbO9 and Ca2PrCr2TaO9, J. Solid State Chem.269, 80-86 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Injac, S., Yuen, A. K., Avdeev, M., Orlandi, F., & Kennedy, B. J. , Structural and magnetic studies of KOsO4, a 5d1 quantum magnet oxide, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.21(14), 7261-7264 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Nehla, P; Kareri, Y; Gupt, GD; Hester, J; Babu, PD; Ulrich, C and Dhaka, RS, Neutron diffraction and magnetic properties of Co2Cr1-xTixAl Heusler alloys, Physical Review B100(14), 144444 (2019) (from ECHIDNA, WOMBAT) DOI
Pakhira, S; Mazumdar, C; Avdeev, M; Bhowmik, RN and Ranganathan, R, Spatially limited antiferromagnetic order in a cluster glass compound Tb2Ni0.90Si2.94, J. Alloy. Compd.785, 72-79 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Qi, J; Ren, W; Wang, C-W; Zhang, L; Yu, C; Zhuang, Y and Zhang, Z, Crystal and magnetic structures of Ce2CuGe6, J. Alloy. Compd.805, 1260-1265 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Qingbo Xia, Chun-Hai Wang, Siegbert Schmid, Maxim Avdeev, Chris D. Ling, Multiple Competing Magnetic Interactions in Na4Ni7(PO4)6, J. Phys. Chem. C (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ren, Q; Hutchison, W; Wang, J; Studer, A; Wang, G; Zhou, H; Ma, J and Campbell, SJ, Negative Thermal Expansion of Ni-Doped MnCoGe at Room-Temperature Magnetic Tuning, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces11(19), 17531-17538 (2019) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Saito, M; Watanabe, M; Kurita, N; Matsuo, A; Kindo, K; Avdeev, M; Jeschke, HO and Tanaka, H, Successive phase transitions and magnetization plateau in the spin-1 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ba2La2NiTe2O12 with small easy-axis anisotropy, Phys. Rev. B100, 6 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Sale, M; Xia, Q; Avdeev, M and Ling, CD, Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Melilite-Type Ba2MnSi2O7, Inorg. Chem.58(7), 4164-4172 (2019) (from Computing Cluster, ECHIDNA, Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Sandvik, KE; Okuyama, D; Nawa, K; Avdeev, M and Sato, TJ, Controlling the stoichiometry of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet Li1+xZn2-yMo3O8, J. Solid State Chem.271, 216-221 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Soda, M; Hong, T; Avdeev, M; Yoshizawa, H; Masuda, T and Kawano-Furukawa, H, Neutron scattering study of the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet Ba2CoSi2O7, Phys. Rev. B100, 144410 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Song, Y; Liu, X; Wu, D; Yao, Q; Wen, C; Avdeev, M; Peng, R; Xu, H; Miao, J; Lou, X; Fang, Y; Pan, B; Wang, N; Peets, DC and Feng, D, Magnetic and electronic properties of single-crystalline BaCoSO, Physical Review B100(20), 205130 (2019) (from KOALA) DOI
Sun, XM; Cong, DY; Li, Z; Zhang, YL; Chen, Z; Ren, Y; Liss, KD; Ma, ZY; Li, RG; Qu, YH; Yang, Z; Wang, L and Wang, YD, Manipulation of magnetostructural transition and realization of prominent multifunctional magnetoresponsive properties in NiCoMnIn alloys, Phys. Rev. Mater.3(3), 034404 (2019) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Susilo, R. A., X. Rocquefelte, J. M. Cadogan, E. Bruyer, W. Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, W. D. Hutchison, M. Avdeev, D. H. Ryan, T. Namiki, and S. J. Campbell. , Magnetic structures of R2Fe2Si2C intermetallic compounds: Evolution to Er2Fe2Si2C and Tm2Fe2Si2C, Phys. Rev. B99(18), 184426 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Wang, H; Liu, X; Hao, L; Ma, X; Han, W; Sun, K; Chen, D; Guo, H; Fu, Z; Wang, C-W; Zhu, P and Liu, Y, The structure and magnetism of orthochromites Ho1−xYxCrO3, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.473, 428-434 (2019) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Wu, HC; Denisova, KN; Menzel, D; Chandrasekhar Kakarla, D; Maximova, OV; Kuo, TW; Yang, ZH; Lee, CH; Li, WH; Berger, H; Wang, CW; Chang, CK; Chuang, YC; Lin, JY; Gooch, M; Chu, CW; Vasiliev, AN and Yang, HD, Antiferroelectric antiferromagnetic type-I multiferroic Cu9O2(SeO3)4Cl6, Physical Review B100, 24 (2019) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M and Battle, PD, Antiferromagnetism and Metamagnetism in ErFeCuGe4O12, J. Solid State Chem.269, 107-112 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Xu, G; You, Y; Tang, J; Zhang, H; Li, H; Miao, X; Gong, Y; Hou, Z; Cheng, Z; Wang, J; Studer, AJ; Xu, F and Wang, W, Simultaneous tuning of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and spin reorientation transition via Cu substitution in Mn-Ni-Ga magnets for nanoscale biskyrmion formation, Phys. Rev. B100, 054416 (2019) (from Physical Properties Measurement System, WOMBAT) DOI
Yu, Y; Deng, G; Cao, Y; McIntyre, GJ; Li, R; Yuan, N; Feng, Z; Ge, JY; Zhang, J and Cao, S, Tuning the magnetic anisotropy via Mn substitution in single crystal Co4Nb2O9, Ceram. Int45(1), 1093-1097 (2019) DOI
Deng, G; Cao, Y; Ren, W; Cao, S; Studer, AJ; Gauthier, N; Kenzelmann, M; Davidson, G; Rule, KC; Gardner, JS; Imperia, P; Ulrich, C and McIntyre, GJ, Spin dynamics and magnetoelectric coupling mechanism of Co4Nb2O9, Phys. Rev. B97(8), 085154 (2018) (from SIKA, TAIPAN, WOMBAT) DOI
Deng, G; Yu, D; Mole, R; Pomjakushina, E; Conder, K; Kenzelmann, M; Yano, SI; Wang, CW; Rule, KC; Gardner, JS; Luo, H; Li, S; Ulrich, C; Imperia, P; Ren, W; Cao, S and McIntyre, GJ, Spin dynamics of edge-sharing spin chains in SrCa13Cu24O41, Phys. Rev. B98, 18 (2018) (from PELICAN, SIKA) DOI
Freeman, PG; Mole, RA; Christensen, NB; Stunault, A and Prabhakaran, D, Stability of charge-stripe ordered La2-xSrxNiO4+δ at one third doping, Phys. B536, 720-725 (2018) DOI
Fujihala, M; Sugimoto, T; Tohyama, T; Mitsuda, S; Mole, RA; Yu, DH; Yano, S; Inagaki, Y; Morodomi, H; Kawae, T; Sagayama, H; Kumai, R; Murakami, Y; Tomiyasu, K; Matsuo, A and Kindo, K, Cluster-Based Haldane State in an Edge-Shared Tetrahedral Spin-Cluster Chain: Fedotovite K2Cu3O(SO4)3, Phys. Rev. Lett.120(7), 077201 (2018) (from PELICAN) DOI
Hayashida, S; Asai, S, Kato, D; Hasegawa, S; Avdeev, M; Cao, H; Masuda, T, Magnetic order in the rare-earth ferroborate CeFe3(BO3)4, Phys. Rev. B98(22), 224450 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Hayashida, S; Ishikawa, H; Okamoto, Y; Okubo, T; Hiroi, Z; Avdeev, M; Manuel, P; Hagihala, M; Soda, M and Masuda, T, Magnetic state selected by magnetic dipole interaction in the kagome antiferromagnet NaBa2Mn3F11, Phys. Rev. B97(5), 054411 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Heinze, L; Beltran-Rodriguez, R; Bastien, G; Wolter, AUB; Reehuis, M; Hoffmann, JU; Rule, KC and Süllow, S, The magnetic properties of single-crystalline atacamite, Cu2Cl(OH)3, Phys. B536, 377-378 (2018) (from TAIPAN) DOI
Injac, S; Kayser, P; Avdeev, M and Kennedy, BJ, Structural and Magnetic Studies of the Ruthenium Perovskites Ba2-xSrxHoRuO6, J. Solid State Chem.263, 36-43 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Kojima, Y; Watanabe, M; Kurita, N; Tanaka, H; Matsuo, A; Kindo, K and Avdeev, M, Quantum magnetic properties of the spin-12 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ba2La2CoTe2O12, Phys. Rev. B98(17), 174406 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ku, S; Kumar, D; Lees, M; Lee, W; Aldus, R; Studer, A; Imperia, P; Asai, S; Masuda , T; Chen, S-W; Chen, J and Chang, L, Low temperature magnetic properties of Nd2Ru2O7, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter30(15), 155601 (2018) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Liu, J; Sheng, J; Luo, W; Wang, J; Bao, W; Yang, J; Fang, M and Danilkin, SA, A single-crystal neutron diffraction study on magnetic structure of CsCo2Se2, Chinese Physics B27(11), 117401 (2018) (from TAIPAN) DOI
Narayanan, N; Senyshyn, A; Mikhailova, D; Faske, T; Lu, T; Liu, Z; Weise, B; Ehrenberg, H; Mole, RA; Hutchison, WD; Fuess, H; McIntyre, GJ; Liu, Y and Yu, D, Magnetic structure and spin correlations in magnetoelectric honeycomb Mn4Ta2O9, Phys. Rev. B98(13), 134438 (2018) (from PELICAN) DOI
Ren, Q; Hutchison, WD; Wang, J; Studer, AJ and Campbell, SJ, Magnetic and Structural Transitions Tuned through Valence Electron Concentration in Magnetocaloric Mn(Co1–xNix)Ge, Chem. Mater.30(4), 1324-1334 (2018) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Rule, KC; Mole, RA; Zanardo, J; Krause-Heuer, A; Darwish, T; Lerch, M and Yu, D, Measuring the excitations in a new S=1/2 quantum spin chain material with competing interactions, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter30(21), 215602 (2018) (from PELICAN, Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Saura-Múzquiz, M; Granados-Miralles, C; Andersen, HL; Stingaciu, M; Avdeev, M and Christensen, M, Nano-Engineered High-Performance Hexaferrite Magnets by Morphology-Induced Alignment of Tailored Nanoplatelets, ACS applied nano materials1, 12 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Song, Y; Chen, J; Liu, X; Wang, C; Zhang, J; Liu, H; Zhu, H; Hu, L; Lin, K; Zhang, S and Xing, X, Zero Thermal Expansion in Magnetic and Metallic Tb(Co,Fe)2 Intermetallic Compounds, J. Am. Chem. Soc.140(2), 602-605 (2018) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Vagadia, M; Hester, J and Nigam, AK, Effect of different annealing condition on the structural and magnetic properties of Mn2NiGa Heusler alloys, AIP Conference Proceedings1942, 130046 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M and Battle, PD, Magnetic properties of CeM1.5M’0.5Ge4O12 (M = Mn, Co; M’ = Ni, Cu), J. Solid State Chem.265, 339-344 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Auckett, JE and Ling, CD, A reinterpretation of the structural and magnetic properties of La1−xNaxSrMn2O5+δ (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.3), Mater. Chem. Phys. 186, 1-4 (2017) DOI
Cao, Y; Deng, G; Beran, P; Feng, Z; Kang, B; Zhang, J; Guiblin, N; Dkhil, B; Ren, W and Cao, S, Nonlinear magnetoelectric effect in paraelectric state of Co4Nb2O9 single crystal, Sci Rep 7(1), Art. No. 14079 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Cho, H; Kratochvílová, M; Sim, H; Choi, K-Y; Kim, CH; Paulsen, C; Avdeev, M; Peets, DC; Jo, Y; Lee, S; Noda, Y; Lawler, MJ and Park, J-G, Properties of spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnets CuY2Ge2O8 and CuLa2Ge2O8, Phys. Rev. B95(14), 144404 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Fang, C; Wang, J; Hong, F; Hutchison, WD; Din, MFM; Studer, AJ; Kimpton, JA; Dou, S and Cheng, Z, Tuning the magnetic and structural transitions in TbCo2Mnx compounds, Phys. Rev. B96(6), 064425 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Freeman, PG; Giblin, SR; Hradil, K; Mole, RA; Cermak, P and Prabhakaran, D, Magnetic excitations of the charge stripe electrons below half doping in La2-xSrxNiO4 (x = 0.45, 0.4), Phys. Rev. B95(6), Art. No. 064403 (2017) DOI
Hase, M; Ebukuro, Y; Kuroe, H; Matsumoto, M; Matsuo, A; Kindo, K; Hester, JR; Sato, TJ and Yamazaki, H, Magnetism of the antiferromagnetic spin-3/2 dimer compound CrVMoO7 having an antiferromagnetically ordered state, Phys. Rev. B95(14), 144429 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Kayser, P; Injac, S; Kennedy, BJ; Vogt, T; Avdeev, M; Maynard-Casely, HE and Zhang, Z, Structural and Magnetic Properties of the Osmium Double Perovskites Ba2–xSrxYOsO6, Inorg. Chem.56(11), 6565-6575 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Kayser, P; Injac, S; Ranjbar, B; Kennedy, BJ; Avdeev, M and Yamaura, K , Magnetic and Structural Studies of Sc Containing Ruthenate Double Perovskites A2ScRuO6 (A = Ba, Sr), Inorg. Chem.56(16), 9009-9018 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Kayser, P; Ranjbar, B; Kennedy, BJ and Avdeev, M, The impact of chemical doping on the magnetic state of the Sr2YRuO6 double perovskite, J. Solid State Chem.249, 154-159 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Lai, Y-C; Du, C-H; Lai, C-H; Liang, Y-H; Chin-Wei, W; Rule, KC; Wu, H-C; Yang, H-D; Chen, W-T; Shu, GJ and Chou, FC, Magnetic ordering and dielectric relaxation in the double perovskite YBaCuFeO5, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter29(14), Art. No. 145801 (2017) (from ECHIDNA, TAIPAN, WOMBAT) DOI
Lee, C-H; Wang, C-W; Zhao, Y; Li, W-H; Lynn, JW; Harris, AB; Rule, K; Yang, H-D and Berger, H, Complex magnetic incommensurability and electronic charge transfer through the ferroelectric transition in multiferroic Co3TeO6, Sci Rep 7(1), 6437 (2017) (from TAIPAN) DOI
Lee, C-H; Wang, M-Y; Batsaikhan, E; Wu, C-M; Wang, C-W and Li, W-H, Photoenhanced Ferromagnetism in High-K+-Containing K–Ni–Cr Prussian Blue Analogues Coated on Rb–Co–Fe Nanocubes, ACS Omega2(8), 4227-4236 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Ling, CD; Allison, MC; Schmid, S; Avdeev, M; Gardner, JS; Wang, CW; Ryan, DH; Zbiri, M and Söhnel, T, Striped magnetic ground state of the kagome lattice in Fe4Si2Sn7O16, Phys. Rev. B96(18), 180410 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Liu, X; Hao, L; Ma, X; Wang, C-W; Klose, F; Liu, Y; Sun, K; Li, Y and Chen, D, Magnetic interactions in HoCr1-xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.2) investigated by neutron powder diffraction, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.433, 84-90 (2017) DOI
Narayanan, N; Graham, PJ; Reynolds, N; Li, F; Rovillain, P; Hester, J; Kimpton, J; Yethiraj, M; McIntyre, GJ; Hutchison, WD and Ulrich, C, Subpicometer-scale atomic displacements and magnetic properties in the oxygen-isotope substituted multiferroic DyMnO3, Phys. Rev. B95(7), Art. No. 075154 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Peets, DC; Sim, H; Choi, S; Avdeev, M; Lee, S; Kim, SJ; Kang, H; Ahn, D and Park, J-G, Magnetic transitions in the chiral armchair-kagome system Mn2Sb2O7, Phys. Rev. B95(1), 014424 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ren, QY; Hutchison, WD; Wang, JL; Studer, AJ and Campbell, SJ, First-order magneto-structural transition and magnetocaloric effect in Mn(Co0.96Fe0.04) Ge, J. Alloy. Compd.693, 32-39 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Reynolds, E; Avdeev, M; Thorogood, GJ; Poineau, F; Czerwinski, KR; Kimpton, JA; Yu, M; Kayser, P and Kennedy, BJ, Structure and magnetism in Sr1−xAxTcO3 perovskites: Importance of the A-site cation, Phys. Rev. B95(5), 054430 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Rule, KC; Willenberg, B; Schäpers, M; Wolter, AUB; Büchner, B; Drechsler, SL; Ehlers, G; Tennant, DA; Mole, RA; Gardner, JS; Süllow, S and Nishimoto, S, Dynamics of linarite: Observations of magnetic excitations, Phys. Rev. B119, 66-75 (2017) DOI
Sale, M; Avdeev, M; Mohamed, Z; Ling, CD and Barpanda, P, Magnetic structure and properties of centrosymmetric twisted melilite K2CoP2O7 , Dalton Trans.46(19), 6409-6416 (2017) (from Computing Cluster, ECHIDNA, Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Shen, S-P; Liu, X-Z; Chai, Y-S; Studer, A; Rule, K; Zhai, K; Yan, L-Q; Shang, D-S; Klose, F; Liu, Y-T; Chen, D-F and Sun, Y, Hidden spin-order-induced room-temperature ferroelectricity in a peculiar conical magnetic structure, Phys. Rev. B95(9), Art. No. 094405 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Soda, M; Hayashida, S; Yoshida, T; Akaki, M; Hagiwara, M; Avdeev, M; Zaharko, O and Masuda, T , Magnetic Structure and Dielectric State in the Multiferroic Ca2CoSi2O7, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.86(6), 064703 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Sun, XM; Cong, DY; Liss, K-D; Qu, YH; Ma, L; Suo, HL and Wang, YD, Origin of anomalous cryogenic magnetic behavior in a Ni-Mn-based magnetic shape memory alloy, Appl. Phys. Lett.110(13), 132402 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Susilo, RA; Cadogan, JM; Hutchison, WD; Stewart, GA; Avdeev, M and Campbell, SJ, Magnetic structure and spin reorientation of quaternary Dy2Fe2Si2C, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter29(11), 115806 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Wang, CW; Lin, JW; Lue, CS; Liu, HF; Kuo, CN; Mole, RA and Gardner, JS, Magnetic correlations in the intermetallic antiferromagnet Nd3Co4Sn13, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter29(43), Art. No. 435801 (2017) (from ECHIDNA, SIKA) DOI
Wildes, AR; Simonet, V; Ressouche, E; Ballou, R and McIntyre, GJ, The magnetic properties and structure of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet CoPS3, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter29(45), Art. No. 455801 (2017) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M; Battle, PD and Liu, X-Q , Magnetic Properties of CeMn2–xCoxGe4O12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) as a Function of Temperature and Magnetic Field, Inorg. Chem.56(5), 2750-2762 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M; Battle, PD and Ryan, DH, Magnetic properties of Ln2CoGe4O12 and LnBCoGe4O12 (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er; B = Sc, Lu) , Dalton Trans.46(45), 15778-15788 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M; Battle, PD; Cadogan, JM and Lamont, H, Structural chemistry and magnetic properties of LnMnFeGe4O12 (Ln = Y, Eu, Lu), J. Solid State Chem.254, 40-46 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Xu, D; Sale, M; Avdeev, M; Ling, CD and Battle, PD, Experimental and computational study of the magnetic properties of ZrMn(2-x)CoxGe4O12, Dalton Trans.46(21), 6921-6933 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Allison, MC; Avdeev, M; Schmid, S; Liu, S; Sohnel, T and Ling, CD, Synthesis, structure and geometrically frustrated magnetism of the layered oxide-stannide compounds Fe(Fe3-xMnx)Si2Sn7O16 , Dalton Trans.45(23), 9689-9694 (2016) (from ECHIDNA, Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Asai, S; Soda, M; Kasatani, K; Ono, T; Avdeev, M; Masuda, T, Magnetic ordering of the buckled honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba2NiTeO6, Phys. Rev. B93(2), 024412 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Deng, G; Sheptyakov, D; Pomjakushin, V; Medarde, M; Pomjakushina, E; Conder, K; Kenzelmann, M; Studer, AJ; Gardner, JS and McIntyre, GJ, Chemical pressure effects on crystal and magnetic structures of bilayer manganites PrA2Mn2O7 (A = Sr or Ca), J. Appl. Phys.119(21), Art. No. 214102 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Fujita, K; Kawamoto, T; Yamada, I; Hernandez, O; Hayashi, N; Akamatsu, H; Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, W; Rocquefelte, X; Fukuzumi, M; Manuel, P; Studer, AJ; Knee, CS; Tanaka, K, LiNbO3-Type InFeO3: Room-Temperature Polar Magnet without Second-Order Jahn–Teller Active Ions, Chem. Mater.28(18), 6644-6655 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Hong, F; Yue, BB; Wang, JL; Studer, AJ; Fang, CS; Wang, XL; Dou, SX; and Cheng, ZX, Collapse and reappearance of magnetic orderings in spin frustrated TbMnO3 induced by Fe substitution, Appl. Phys. Lett.109(10), 102401 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Koga, T; Kurita, N; Avdeev, M; Danilkin, S; Sato, TJ and Tanaka, H, Magnetic structure of the S=1/2 quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet Sr2CuTeO6, Phys. Rev. B93(5), 4426-4426 (2016) (from ECHIDNA, TAIPAN) DOI
Lançon, D; Walker, HC; Ressouche, E; Ouladdiaf, B; Rule, KC; McIntyre, GJ; Hicks, T; Rønnow, HM and Wildes, AR, Magnetic structure and magnon dynamics of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet FePS3, Phys. Rev. B94(21), 214407 (2016) (from KOALA, TAIPAN) DOI
Li, B; Luo, XH; Wang, H; Ren, WJ; Yano, S; Wang, CW; Gardner, JS; Liss, KD; Miao, P; Lee, SH; Kamiyama, T; Wu, RQ; Kawakita, Y and Zhang, ZD, Colossal negative thermal expansion induced by magnetic phase competition on frustrated lattices in Laves phase compound (Hf, Ta)Fe2, Phys. Rev. B93(22), Art. No. 4405 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Liu, J-J; Wang, J-C; Luo, W; Sheng, J-M; He, Z-Z; Danilkin, SA and Bao, W, A Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study on Magnetic Structure of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8, CHINESE PHYS LETT33(3), Art. No. 037502 (2016) (from TAIPAN) DOI
Liu, J-J; Wang, J-C; Luo, W; Sheng, J-M; Wang, A-F; Chen, X-H; Danilkin, SA and Bao, W, The influence of the structural transition on magnetic fluctuations in NaFeAs, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter28(27), Art. No. 27LT01 (2016) (from TAIPAN) DOI
Liu, XZ; Hao, LJ; Liu, YT; Ma, XB; Meng, SQ; Li, YQ; Gao, JB; Guo, H; Han, WZ; Sun, K; Wu, MM; Chen, XP; Xie, L; Klose, F and Chen, DF, Neutron powder diffraction investigation of magnetic structure and spin reorientation transition of HoFe(1-x),CrxO3 solid solutions, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.417, 382-388 (2016) (from Physical Properties Measurement System, WOMBAT) DOI
Makino, K; Okuyama, D; Avdeev, M and Sato, TJ, Incommensurate Magnetic Structure in the Cubic Noncentrosymmetric Ternary Compound Pr5Ru3Al2, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.85(7), Art. No. 073705 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Pakhira, S; Mazumdar, C; Ranganathan, R; Giri, S and Avdeev, M, Large magnetic cooling power involving frustrated antiferromagnetic spin-glass state in R2NiSi3 (R = Gd,Er), Phys. Rev. B94(10), Art. No. 104414 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Park, K; Oh, J; Leiner, JC; Jeong, J; Rule, KC; Le, MD and Park, JG, Magnon-phonon coupling and two-magnon continuum in two-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet CuCrO2, Phys. Rev. B94(10), Art. No. 104421 (2016) (from TAIPAN) DOI
Porter, SH; Xiong, J; Avdeev, M; Merz, D; Woodward, PM and Huang, ZG, Structural, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of A3V4(PO4)6 (A = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), Inorg. Chem.55(12), 5772-5779 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ren, QY; Hutchison, WD; Wang, JL; Studer, AJ; Din, MFM; Perez, SM; Cadogan, JM and Campbell, SJ, The magneto-structural transition in Mn(1-x)FexCoGe, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 49(17), Art. No. 75003 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Saha, R; Fauth, F; Avdeev, M; Kayser, P; Kennedy, BJ; Sundaresan, A, Magnetodielectric effects in A-site cation-ordered chromate spinels LiMCr4O8 (M=Ga and In), Phys. Rev. B94(6), 064420 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Susilo, RA; Cadogan, JM; Hutchison, WD; Avdeev, M; Cobas, R; Muñoz-Pérez, S and Campbell, SJ, Magnetic order and structural properties of Tb2Fe2Si2C, J. Alloy. Compd.654, 392-398 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Tang, Y; Hunter, EC; Battle, PD; Sena, RP; Hadermann, J; Avdeev, M and Cadogan, JM, Structural Chemistry and Magnetic Properties of the Perovskite Sr3Fe2TeO9, J. Solid State Chem.242, 86-95 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ueno, T; Saito, K; Yano, M; Ito, M; Shoji, T; Sakuma, N; Kato, A; Manabe, A; Hashimoto, A; Gilbert, EP; Keiderling, U and Ono, K, Multiple magnetic scattering in small-angle neutron scattering of Nd-Fe-B nanocrystalline magnet, Sci Rep 6, Art. No. 28167 (2016) (from QUOKKA) DOI
Wang, JC; Liu, JJ; Sheng, JM; Luo, W; Ye, F; Zhao, ZY; Sun, XF; Danilkin, SA; Deng, GC and Bao, W, Simultaneous occurrence of multiferroism and short-range magnetic order in DyFeO3, Phys. Rev. B93(14), Art. No. 140403 (2016) (from Physical Properties Measurement System, TAIPAN) DOI
White, R; Hutchison, WD; Mizushima, T and Studer, AJ, Evolution of the magnetic structure of TbRu2Al10 in applied field, J. Alloy. Compd.679, 169-176 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Wong, C; Avdeev, M and Ling, CD, Zig-zag magnetic ordering in honeycomb-layered Na3Co2SbO6, J. Solid State Chem.243, 18-22 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Rare-earth magnetism
Mohammed, MH; Cheng, ZX; Cao, S; Rule, KC; Richardson, C; Edwards, A; Studer, AJ and Horvat, J, Non-zero spontaneous magnetic moment along crystalline b-axis for rare earth orthoferrites, J. Appl. Phys.127, 11 (2020) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Shlyakhtina, AV; Avdeev, M; Lyskov, NV; Abrantes, JCC; Gomes, E; Denisova, K; Kolbanev, IV; Cheryak, SA; Volkova, OS and Vasiliev, A, Structure, conductivity and magnetism of orthorhombic and fluorite polymorphs in MoO3-Ln2O3 (Ln=Gd, Dy, Ho) system, Dalton Trans.49, 2833-2842 (2020) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Cao, Y; Lin, K; Liu, Z; Hu, J; Wang, CW; Avdeev, M; Li, Q; Deng, J; Chen, J; Zhang, H and Xing, X, Neutron Diffraction Study of Unusual Magnetic Behaviors in the Ho2Fe11Al6 Intermetallic Compound, Inorg. Chem. (2019) (from ECHIDNA, WOMBAT) DOI
Pakhira, S; Mazumdar, C; Avdeev, M; Bhowmik, RN and Ranganathan, R, Spatially limited antiferromagnetic order in a cluster glass compound Tb2Ni0.90Si2.94, J. Alloy. Compd.785, 72-79 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Qi, J; Ren, W; Wang, C-W; Zhang, L; Yu, C; Zhuang, Y and Zhang, Z, Crystal and magnetic structures of Ce2CuGe6, J. Alloy. Compd.805, 1260-1265 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Susilo, R. A., X. Rocquefelte, J. M. Cadogan, E. Bruyer, W. Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, W. D. Hutchison, M. Avdeev, D. H. Ryan, T. Namiki, and S. J. Campbell. , Magnetic structures of R2Fe2Si2 C intermetallic compounds: Evolution to Er2Fe2Si2C and Tm2Fe2Si2C, Phys. Rev. B99(18), 184426 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Wang, H; Liu, X; Hao, L; Ma, X; Han, W; Sun, K; Chen, D; Guo, H; Fu, Z; Wang, C-W; Zhu, P and Liu, Y, The structure and magnetism of orthochromites Ho1−xYxCrO3, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.473, 428-434 (2019) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M and Battle, PD, Antiferromagnetism and Metamagnetism in ErFeCuGe4O12, J. Solid State Chem.269, 107-112 (2019) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Amaral, RP; Lora-Serrano, R; Garcia, DJ; Iwamoto, WA; Betancourth, D; Cadogan, JM; Muñoz-Pérez, S; Avdeev, M; Cobas-Acosta, R; Bittar, EM; Duque, JGS and Pagliuso, PG, Antiferromagnetic exchange weakening in the TbRhIn5 intermetallic system with Y-substitution, Intermetallics (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Kolodiazhnyi, T; Sakurai, H; Avdeev, M; Charoonsuk, T; Lamonova, KV; Pashkevich, YG and Kennedy, BJ, Giant magnetocapacitance in cerium sesquioxide, Phys. Rev. B98(5), 054423 (2018) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ku, S; Kumar, D; Lees, M; Lee, W; Aldus, R; Studer, A; Imperia, P; Asai, S; Masuda , T; Chen, S-W; Chen, J and Chang, L, Low temperature magnetic properties of Nd2Ru2O7, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter30(15), 155601 (2018) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Song, Y; Chen, J; Liu, X; Wang, C; Zhang, J; Liu, H; Zhu, H; Hu, L; Lin, K; Zhang, S and Xing, X, Zero Thermal Expansion in Magnetic and Metallic Tb(Co,Fe)2 Intermetallic Compounds, J. Am. Chem. Soc.140(2), 602-605 (2018) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Fang, C; Wang, J; Hong, F; Hutchison, WD; Din, MFM; Studer, AJ; Kimpton, JA; Dou, S and Cheng, Z, Tuning the magnetic and structural transitions in TbCo2Mnx compounds, Phys. Rev. B96(6), 064425 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Farid, MA; Zhang, H; Yang, A; Tian, G; Wu, M; Li, G; Liao, F and Lin, J, Facile Synthesis, Structure Elucidation, and Magnetic Properties of Perovskite BaTb1–xBixO3 , European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry11, 1427-1434 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Liu, X; Hao, L; Ma, X; Wang, C-W; Klose, F; Liu, Y; Sun, K; Li, Y and Chen, D, Magnetic interactions in HoCr1-xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.2) investigated by neutron powder diffraction, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.433, 84-90 (2017) DOI
Mondal, S; Mazumdar, C; Ranganathan, R and Avdeev, M, Structural Transformation in Inverse-Perovskite REPt3B (RE = Sm and Gd–Tm) Associated with Large Volume Reduction, Inorg. Chem.56(14), 8446-8453 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Narayanan, N; Graham, PJ; Reynolds, N; Li, F; Rovillain, P; Hester, J; Kimpton, J; Yethiraj, M; McIntyre, GJ; Hutchison, WD and Ulrich, C, Subpicometer-scale atomic displacements and magnetic properties in the oxygen-isotope substituted multiferroic DyMnO3, Phys. Rev. B95(7), Art. No. 075154 (2017) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Pakhira, S; Mazumdar, C; Ranganathan, R and Avdeev, M , Magnetic frustration induced large magnetocaloric effect in the absence of long range magnetic order, Sci Rep 7(1), 7367 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Susilo, RA; Cadogan, JM; Hutchison, WD; Stewart, GA; Avdeev, M and Campbell, SJ, Magnetic structure and spin reorientation of quaternary Dy2Fe2Si2C, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter29(11), 115806 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Wang, CW; Lin, JW; Lue, CS; Liu, HF; Kuo, CN; Mole, RA and Gardner, JS, Magnetic correlations in the intermetallic antiferromagnet Nd3Co4Sn13, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter29(43), Art. No. 435801 (2017) (from ECHIDNA, SIKA) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M; Battle, PD and Ryan, DH, Magnetic properties of Ln2CoGe4O12 and LnBCoGe4O12 (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er; B = Sc, Lu) , Dalton Trans.46(45), 15778-15788 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Xu, D; Avdeev, M; Battle, PD; Cadogan, JM and Lamont, H, Structural chemistry and magnetic properties of LnMnFeGe4O12 (Ln = Y, Eu, Lu), J. Solid State Chem.254, 40-46 (2017) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Deng, G; Sheptyakov, D; Pomjakushin, V; Medarde, M; Pomjakushina, E; Conder, K; Kenzelmann, M; Studer, AJ; Gardner, JS and McIntyre, GJ, Chemical pressure effects on crystal and magnetic structures of bilayer manganites PrA2Mn2O7 (A = Sr or Ca), J. Appl. Phys.119(21), Art. No. 214102 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Haku, T; Kimura, K; Matsumoto, Y; Soda, M; Sera, M; Yu, D; Mole, RA; Takeuchi, T; Nakatsuji, S; Kono, Y; Sakakibara, T; Chang, LJ and Masuda, T, Low-energy excitations and ground-state selection in the quantum breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet Ba3Yb2Zn5O11, Phys. Rev. B93(22), Art. No. 220407 (2016) (from PELICAN) DOI
Hong, F; Yue, BB; Wang, JL; Studer, AJ; Fang, CS; Wang, XL; Dou, SX; and Cheng, ZX, Collapse and reappearance of magnetic orderings in spin frustrated TbMnO3 induced by Fe substitution, Appl. Phys. Lett.109(10), 102401 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Liu, XZ; Hao, LJ; Liu, YT; Ma, XB; Meng, SQ; Li, YQ; Gao, JB; Guo, H; Han, WZ; Sun, K; Wu, MM; Chen, XP; Xie, L; Klose, F and Chen, DF, Neutron powder diffraction investigation of magnetic structure and spin reorientation transition of HoFe(1-x),CrxO3 solid solutions, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.417, 382-388 (2016) (from Physical Properties Measurement System, WOMBAT) DOI
Makino, K; Okuyama, D; Avdeev, M and Sato, TJ, Incommensurate Magnetic Structure in the Cubic Noncentrosymmetric Ternary Compound Pr5Ru3Al2, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.85(7), Art. No. 073705 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Pakhira, S; Mazumdar, C; Ranganathan, R; Giri, S and Avdeev, M, Large magnetic cooling power involving frustrated antiferromagnetic spin-glass state in R2NiSi3 (R = Gd,Er), Phys. Rev. B94(10), Art. No. 104414 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Périgo, EA; Mettus, D; Gilbert, EP; Hautle, P; Niketic, N; van den Brandt, B; Kohlbrecher, J; McGuiness, P; Fu, Z and Michels, A, Magnetic microstructure of a textured Nd–Fe–B sintered magnet characterized by small-angle neutron scattering, J. Alloy. Compd.661, 110-114 (2016) (from QUOKKA) DOI
Susilo, RA; Cadogan, JM; Hutchison, WD; Avdeev, M; Cobas, R; Muñoz-Pérez, S and Campbell, SJ, Magnetic order and structural properties of Tb2Fe2Si2C, J. Alloy. Compd.654, 392-398 (2016) (from ECHIDNA) DOI
Ueno, T; Saito, K; Yano, M; Ito, M; Shoji, T; Sakuma, N; Kato, A; Manabe, A; Hashimoto, A; Gilbert, EP; Keiderling, U and Ono, K, Multiple magnetic scattering in small-angle neutron scattering of Nd-Fe-B nanocrystalline magnet, Sci Rep 6, Art. No. 28167 (2016) (from QUOKKA) DOI
Wang, JC; Liu, JJ; Sheng, JM; Luo, W; Ye, F; Zhao, ZY; Sun, XF; Danilkin, SA; Deng, GC and Bao, W, Simultaneous occurrence of multiferroism and short-range magnetic order in DyFeO3, Phys. Rev. B93(14), Art. No. 140403 (2016) (from Physical Properties Measurement System, TAIPAN) DOI
White, R; Hutchison, WD; Mizushima, T and Studer, AJ, Evolution of the magnetic structure of TbRu2Al10 in applied field, J. Alloy. Compd.679, 169-176 (2016) (from WOMBAT) DOI
Magnetism in thin films and multilayers
Causer, GL; Cortie, DL; Callori, SJ; Manna, PK; Van Lierop, J; Lee, YJ; Wang, XL; Lin, KW and Klose, F, The magnetic interfacial properties of an exchange biased nanocrystalline Ni80Fe20/α-Fe2O3 bilayer studied by polarized neutron reflectometry and Monte Carlo simulation, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.59(SA), SAAC03 (2020) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Dwivedi, GD; Wu, CM; Chen, BY; Lin, ST; Qiu, WZ; Sun, SJ; Xu, G; Lynn, JW; Chiou, JW; Lee, CH; Li, WH; Yano, S and Chou, H, Magnon profile on SrRuO3 films studied by inelastic neutron scattering, Physical Review B101(5), 054403 (2020) (from SIKA) DOI
Causer, GL; Kostylev, M; Cortie, DL; Lueng, C; Callori, SJ; Wang, XL and Klose, F, In Operando Study of the Hydrogen-Induced Switching of Magnetic Anisotropy at the Co/Pd Interface for Magnetic Hydrogen Gas Sensing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces11(38), 35420-35428 (2019) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Cortie, DL; Causer, GL; Rule, KC; Fritzsche, H; Kreuzpaintner, W and Klose, F, Two-Dimensional Magnets: Forgotten History and Recent Progress towards Spintronic Applications, Adv. Funct. Mater., Art. No. 201901414 (2019) DOI
Keunecke, M; Lyzwa, F; Schwarzbach, D; Roddatis, V; Gauquelin, N; Müller-Caspary, K; Verbeeck, J; Callori, SJ; Klose, F; Jungbauer, M and Moshnyaga, V, High-T C Interfacial Ferromagnetism in SrMnO3/LaMnO3 Superlattices, Adv. Funct. Mater.4(2), 527-533 (2019) (from PLATYPUS, Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Zhang, J; Causer, GL; Liu, X; Ionescu, M; Li, S; Lin, KW and Klose, F, Controlling the magnetic reversal mechanism of exchange biased MnxOy/Ni80Fe20 bilayers through O+ implantation, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.476, 437-446 (2019) (from PLATYPUS, Physical Properties Measurement System, X-ray reflectometer) DOI
Bergenti, I; Manna, PK; Lin, CH; Graziosi, P; Liu, X; Causer, GL; Liscio, F; Ruotolo, A; Dediu, VA; Van Lierop, J; Klose, F and Lin, KW, Surface engineering with Ar+/O2 + ion beam bombardment: Tuning the electronic and magnetic behavior of Ni80Fe20/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3(001) junctions, J. Appl. Phys.124, 183903 (2018) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Causer, GL; Cortie, DL; Zhu, H; Ionescu, M; Mankey, GJ; Wang, XL and Klose, F, Direct Measurement of the Intrinsic Sharpness of Magnetic Interfaces Formed by Chemical Disorder Using a He+ Beam, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces10(18), 16216-16224 (2018) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Causer, GL; Zhu, H; Davis, J; Ionescu, M; Mankey, GJ; Wang, XL and Klose, F, The microstructural evolution of chemical disorder and ferromagnetism in He+ irradiated FePt3 films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 459, 672-677 (2018) (from Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Causer, GL; Zhu, H; Ionescu, M; Mankey, GJ; Wang, XL and Klose, F, , Tailoring exchange bias in ferro/antiferromagnetic FePt3 bilayers created by He+ beams, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter30, 31 (2018) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Luo, X; Tseng, LT; Wang, Y; Bao, N; Lu, Z; Ding, X; Zheng, R; Du, Y; Huang, K; Shu, L; Suter, A; Lee, WT; Liu, R; Ding, J; Suzuki, K; Prokscha, T; Morenzoni, E and Yi, JB, Intrinsic or Interface Clustering-Induced Ferromagnetism in Fe-Doped In2O3-Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces10(26), 22372-22380 (2018) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Paull, O; Pan, AV; Causer, GL; Fedoseev, SA; Jones, A; Liu, X; Rozenfeld, A and Klose, F, Field Dependence of the Ferromagnetic/Superconducting Proximity Effect in a YBCO/STO/LCMO Multilayer, Nanoscale10, 18995-19003 (2018) (from PLATYPUS, Physical Properties Measurement System, X-ray reflectometer) DOI
Ao, L; Pham, A; Xiang, X; Klose, F; Li, S and Zu, X, Tunable electronic and magnetic properties of arsenene nanoribbons, RSC Adv.7(19), Art. No. 1700573 (2017) DOI
Callori, SJ; Chao, KH; Causer, GL; Nagy, B; Kiss, LF; Sulyok, A; Bottyán, L; Lin, KW and Klose, F, Fe/FeO/Fe/FeV Multilayers Characterized by Magnetometry and Polarized Neutron Reflectometry, IEEE Magnetics Letters8, 1-5 (2017) (from PLATYPUS, X-ray reflectometer) DOI
Cortie, DL; Khaydukov, Y; Keller, T; Sprouster, DJ; Hughes, JS; Sullivan, JP; Wang, XL; Le Brun, AP; Bertinshaw, J; Callori, SJ; Aughterson, R; James, M; Evans, PJ; Triani, G and Klose, F, Enhanced Magnetization of Cobalt Defect Clusters Embedded in TiO2−δ Films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces9(10), 8783-8795 (2017) (from PLATYPUS, X-ray reflectometer) DOI
Li, X; Lin, KW; Liang, HT; Liu, PL; Lo, WC; Cortie, DL; Klose, F; van Lierop, J; Li, L and Pong, PWT, The effects of post-deposition ion-beam bombardment with oxygen on the Co surface in modifying the magnetic properties of Co thin films, Microelectronic Engineering 152, 41-47 (2016) DOI
W. Uilhoorn, S. J. Callori, D.L. Cortie, H.-C. Su, Y. Khaydukov, K.-W. Lin and F. Klose, Enhanced Magnetism in Field-Cooled [Ni80Fe20/Mn]3 Multilayers Studied Using Polarized Neutron Reflectometry, JPCS711(1), 012005 (2016) (from PLATYPUS) DOI
Molecular magnetism
Stoltzfus, DM; Joshi, G; Popli, H; Jamali, S; Kavand, M; Milster, S; Grünbaum, T; Bange, S; Nahlawi, A; Teferi, MY; Atwood, SI; Leung, AE; Darwish, TA; Malissa, H; Burn, PL; Lupton, JM and Boehme, C, Perdeuteration of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (d-MEH-PPV): control of microscopic charge-carrier spin–spin coupling and of magnetic-field effects in optoelectronic devices, Journal of Materials Chemistry C8(8), 2764-2771 (2020) (from NDF - Chemical Deuteration) DOI
Dunstan, MA; Mole, RA and Boskovic, C, Inelastic Neutron Scattering of Lanthanoid Complexes and Single-Molecule Magnets, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry8, 1090-1105 (2019) (from PELICAN) DOI
Gransbury, GK; Boulon, M-E; Mole, RA; Gable, RW; Moubaraki, B; Murray, KS; Sorace, L; Soncini, A and Boskovic, C, Single-ion anisotropy and exchange coupling in cobalt(ii)-radical complexes: insights from magnetic and ab initio studies, CHEM SCI100(38), 8855-8871 (2019) (from PELICAN) DOI
Reed, WR; Dunstan, MA; Gable, RW; Phonsri, W; Murray, KS; Mole, RA and Boskovic, C, Tetraoxolene-bridged rare-earth complexes: A radical-bridged dinuclear Dy single-molecule magnet, Dalton Trans.48(41), 15635-15645 (2019) (from Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Klahn, EA; Gao, C; Gillon, B; Gukasov, A; Fabrèges, X; Piltz, RO; Jiang, SD and Overgaard, J, Mapping the Magnetic Anisotropy at the Atomic Scale in Dysprosium Single-Molecule Magnets, Chem.-Eur. J. (2018) (from KOALA) DOI
Craze, AR; Huang, X-D; Etchells, I; Zheng, L-M; Bhadbhade, MM; Marjo, CE; Clegg, JK; Moore, EG; Avdeev, M; Lindoy, LF and Li, F, Synthesis and characterisation of new tripodal lanthanide complexes and investigation of their optical and magnetic properties, Dalton Trans.46(36), 12177-12184 (2017) (from Physical Properties Measurement System) DOI
Mole, RA; Greene, S; Henry, PF; Humphrey, SM; Rule, KC; Unruh, T; Weldon, GF; Yu, D; Stride, JA and Wood, PT, Magnetic properties of the distorted kagomé lattice Mn3(1,2,4-(O2C)3C6H3)2, Inorg. Chem.56(14), 7851-7860 (2017) DOI
Vonci, M; Giansiracusa, MJ; Van den Heuvel, W; Gable, RW; Moubaraki, B; Murray, KS; Yu, D; Mole, RA; Soncini, A and Boskovic, C, Magnetic Excitations in Polyoxotungstate-Supported Lanthanoid Single-Molecule Magnets: An Inelastic Neutron Scattering and ab Initio Study, Inorg. Chem.56(1), 378–394 (2017) (from PELICAN, TAIPAN) DOI
Berlie, A; Terry, I; Liu, Y and Szablewski, M, Dipolar glass and magneto-electric coupling within a [small pi]-stacked organic system, Journal of Materials Chemistry C4(25), 6090-6095 (2016) DOI
Mole, RA; Rule, KC; Yu, D; Stride, JA; Nadeem, MA and Wood, PT, Dynamics of the frustrated spin in the low dimensional magnet Co3(OH)2(C4O4)2, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter28(12), Art. No. 126005 (2016) (from PELICAN) DOI
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