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Reducing, reusing and recycling mining waste

Two approaches use existing low cost and low energy technologies to reuse stockpiled waste from mining operations - capturing carbon dioxide in the form of valuable carbonate minerals.

Ocean Blue Incursion outline K-6

Ocean Blue Incursion outline and syllabus

Students learn about life in the ocean and the features and behaviours needed for living near the surface and in the deep sea. The properties of seawater are also considered, as well as human impacts. Incorporates an enjoyable playground game and choice of hands-on STEM activity.

Destination Moon! Incursion outline and syllabus

Destination Moon! Incursion outline and syllabus

In this half-day incursion, we uncover the surprising science of the Moon and look at past and future lunar missions. Students are guided through two hands-on STEM activities and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.

Shorebirds & Wetlands Incursion outline and syllabus

Shorebirds & Wetlands Incursion outline and syllabus

Students are introduced to shorebirds and their wetland habitats. They encounter the incredible journeys of our migratory shorebirds and how they connect wetlands in a fun playground game. Students also participate in a hands-on adaptations activity and learn about environmental research conducted at ANSTO.

bruised hand

Identification and analysis of components in bruises

As blood breaks down in the skin tissue, the colour of a bruise changes with time. As such, it may be used to find out information about the age of the bruise and hence a timeframe of when the incident that caused the mark took place.
