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Showing 421 - 440 of 480 results

Karina Meredith
Director of the new Environment Research and Technology Group

Role at ANSTO

Dr Karina Meredith was appointed Director of the new Research and Technology Group for Environment effective 15 January 2024. 

Sarah Headshot
Education Officer. Training and Educational Coordinator

Sarah is a dedicated and passionate science educator.

DR Emily Finhc
Co-Group Manager – Spectroscopy, and Beamline Scientist (MEX Beamline)

Role at ANSTO

Joseph Bevitt
Senior Instrument Scientist, Dingo

Role at ANSTO

Dr Joseph Bevitt is a senior instrument scientist on the Dingo radiograph/tomography/imaging station, and scientific coordinator for the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.

Amy MacIntosh
Environmental Scientist - ANSTO

Amy is a zoologist and environmental scientist with expertise in biological sciences, biostatistics, ecological risk assessments and geographic information systems and a member at ANSTOs new Graduate Institute, currently specialising in collaborating wi

Dr John Demol
Senior Applied Research Chemist - Minerals

Role at ANSTO

Design and Innovation Lecturer
Design and Innovation Lecturer

David Mesa is a product design engineer who has worked on many innovations and new product development projects. As a designer, he helped other companies solve their problems through design.

Macinley Headshot
Health Physics Surveyor, Radiation Protection Services

Internationally recognised for their STEM endeavours, Macinley has developed many devices to aid humanity across sectors including, cancer treatment, water sanitation and renewable energy.

Dr Rao Yepuri
Deuteration Research Facility Chemist. National Deuteration Facility
Rao graduated with BSc(chemistry), B.Pharm, M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) and then PhD in Organic Synthesis from University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
Andrew Peele
Group Executive Nuclear Science and Technology

Andrew Peele was appointed Group Executive for ANSTO Nuclear Science and Technology in July 2021 and was Director of the Australian Synchrotron from 2013 -2021. He is an adjunct Professor of Physics at La Trobe University.

Dr Justin Kimpton
Lead Scientist - Advanced Diffraction & Scattering beamlines

Role at ANSTO

Anita D’Angelo
Scientist – Powder Diffraction

Dr Anita D’Angelo is a Beamline Scientist for the Powder Diffraction beamline.
