Role at ANSTO
Professionally Brett is an analytical chemist at ANSTO, which collaborates with universities and industries globally. He has over a decade of experience in developing novel methods for the analysis of complex sample matrices derived from biota, soil, ground, surface, and waste waters.
His expertise is in the use of triple quadrupole inductively coupled mass spectrometry. This instrument can be coupled to specialised front end technologies including the Laser Ablation, predominantly for climate studies from stalagmites and corals, and PrepFAST, a system for the preconcentration of ultra trace level analyses.
Brett descends from National Figures Bungoree and Matora of Guri Ngai Awabakal Country – saltwater people of the Central Coast, NSW. Bungoree enabled Matthew Flinders to complete the first recorded circumnavigation of Australia in 1802 – 1803 and Phillip Parker Kings first voyage to the Kimberly region 1818. Bungoree observed and experienced practical scientific and engineering solutions unique to each Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ country.
Continuing his ancestor’s legacy, Brett’s primary research activities are to identify and promote cultural parallels which could enhance current engineering and scientific practices towards more sustainable options specific to Australia. Specifically, this is to validate the oral stories of our practical scientific techniques and to combined them with complimentary modern scientific instruments. For the best possible outcome, the two approaches must ‘come together as one’ as expressed in my language - ‘barley ki gibarlee yadung’.
- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry including the applications of the specialised ‘front ends’ SeaFAST pre-concentration unit – for the analysis of trace level Rare Earth Elements - and Laser Ablation of solid samples
- Ion Chromatography of anions
- The development of solid-phase extraction methods followed by GCMS for the analyses of volatile organic compounds from aqueous solutions
- Groundwater sampling and field hydrology measurements
Qualifications & Achievements
- Aurora International Scholarship to Oxford and Cambridge Universities, 2014
- BSc Honours Geoscience specialising in Geomorphology and OSL Dating 2010
- BSc (Distinction) majoring in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Geology 2009
- Nixon and South Coast Labour Council Equity and Merit Scholarship 2009
- Position on the Dean's Merit list 2007, 2008 and 2009
- Year in Industry Scholarship with ANSTO 2007-8
- Member of the Golden Key International Society 2006
- University of Wollongong Entrance Scholarship 2005
- Pierre de Coubertin Award from the Australian Olympic Committee 2004
Committees and Affiliations
Committee member of the Guringai Tribal Link Aboriginal Corporation (for the traditional owners of the Central Coast of NSW). Here I have provided talks linking Indigenous and European ideologies and sharing them at official and community-based events. These have included the International Coasts and Ports Conference of 2013, Leighton House 2013 and the Indigenous Engineering Summer School/Engineering Aid at the host Universities of Sydney University and University of New South Wales since 2013.
Brett is the Vice-Chair of ANSTO's Reconciliation Working Mob, who oversee the Reconciliation Action Plan. He is also responsible for activities relating to Respect under the plan.