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Defence and aerospace

Defence requirements push your technology, we can help. ANSTO is home to some of Australia’s most important landmark research infrastructure – more than $1.3bn of it.  Our unique capabilities are used by thousands of Australian researchers from industry and academia every year.

Mia Lock Profile Photo
Engineering Cadet

Mia is in her second year of Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Wollongong. She has worked at ANSTO, in the first cohort of the engineering cadetship program, since July 2024.

x-ray of a suitcase

Flexible, printable X-ray detectors

Low-cost X-ray detectors featuring high sensitivity, durability and physical flexibility are required in fields ranging from medical imaging to defence. In this study, a new material for X-ray detection was coupled with inkjet printing to produce a series of prototype X-ray detectors.


Local Environmental Monitoring

ANSTO is committed to monitoring its environmental performance and providing the community with accurate information about it. We also publish live meteorological data from our 49m Lucas Heights weather tower every 15 minutes.

Shorebirds Competition 2021

Shorebirds Competition 2021

ANSTO is proud to host the Shorebirds Competition for the fourth year. This unique environmental poster competition is free to enter and offers over $4000 in prizes (insert link to prizes button) for students and schools!

Far Infrared beamline

THz - Far Infrared

The THz/Far-IR Beamline couples the high brightness and collimation of a bend-magnet synchrotron radiation to a Bruker IFS125HR spectrometer providing high-resolution spectra (0.00096 cm-1) with signal to noise ratio superior to that of thermal sources up to 1350 cm-1 for gas-phase applications; the beamline also delivers signal to noise ratio superior to that of thermal sources up to 350 cm-1 for condensed phase samples.

Joshua Henderson
Bachelor of Business Graduate – Swinburne University

Josh is a passionate individual who loves design thinking and collaborating with others to create innovative solutions from complex problems.

Shorebirds Competition 2022

Shorebirds Competition 2022

ANSTO is proud to host the Shorebirds Competition for the fifth year. This unique environmental poster competition is free to enter and offers over $4500 in prizes for students and schools!

nandin building view from exterior


nandin is ANSTO’s Innovation Centre where science and technology entrepreneurs, startups and graduates meet industry expertise to experiment, co-create, innovate, and commercialise, creating new jobs in the high-growth industries of tomorrow.
