Prarthan is a Fun Loving, Innovation Enthusiast, Design Thinker & Leisure Photographer. He has always been engaged towards generating value, connecting to people globally learning new methods, approaches and learning through experimenting.
Showing 341 - 360 of 387 results
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Science Inquiry Skills
The Think Science! event encourages students to engage with the Science Inquiry Skills process as outlined in the Australian National Curriculum.
Role at ANSTO
New beamline provides state-of-the-art imaging capability
The new Micro Computed Tomography (MCT) beamline is the first instrument to become operational as part of the $94 million Project BRIGHT program, which will see the completion of eight new beamlines at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron.
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Science Highlights - IMBL
A selection of research highlights, instrument news and technical developments for scientists.
Role at ANSTO
Nuclear propulsion systems
ANSTO researchers are investigating nuclear propulsion systems for applications on the sea and in space.
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Dr Filomena Floriana Salvemini is an instrument scientist on the neutron imaging instrument DINGO.
Specialist expertise and capabilities at ANSTO enable an understanding and improvement of current and advanced nuclear fuel materials
With a well-established portfolio of nuclear research and the operation of Australia's only nuclear reactor OPAL, ANSTO scientists conduct both fundamental and applied research on fuel for current, advanced, and future nuclear technology systems.
Bushfires can generate hazardous chromium in soil
Bushfires heat soil to extreme temperatures and this causes oxidation of chromium to a highly toxic and carcinogenic form.