Role at ANSTO:
Dr Nigel Kirby is Principal Scientist for the Small and Wide Angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) beamline. He has been the core designer and a key developer of the beamline from its inception in 2006. The role bridges across many scientific and engineering aspects, such as continual, agile development of improved and new technical and scientific capabilities, assisting, training and collaborating with visiting Users, research into new and improved experimental techniques, managing and maintaining the instrument, and leading the beamline team.
Nigel’s scientific research area is in Materials science, from which a diverse range of technical expertise has accumulated covering optical design, mechanical design and fabrication, equipment control and electronics, fluidics, software development for instrument automation and experiment control. Nigel’s work is driven by leveraging the remarkable capabilities and potential of the instrument, and the talent of its staff, to maximise the scientific outcomes achieved by its User community.
Small angle X-ray scattering, instrument and control system design, mechanical design and fabrication, software development (EPICS, python), instrument and experiment automation, sample environment design and development, fluidics, electronics. Grazing incidence scattering, x-ray diffraction, x-ray reflectivity, SEM, TEM, XRF, mechanical testing, materials science (metallurgy, polymer and ceramic science), thermal analysis. Industrial research and development. Team management and leadership, budgeting, risk management, planning and related administration.
Qualifications & Achievements:
- Ph.D. Curtin University (2003)
- B. Appl. Science (Hons), with University Medal (1997).