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Showing 281 - 300 of 519 results

Helium 3 Polariser

Helium 3 Polariser

This state-of-the-art metastable-exchange optical-pumping helium-3 polarising system enables polarisation-analysis experiments on five of our existing instruments.

Kowari Strain Scanner

Kowari - Strain Scanner

Kowari, a residual stress diffractometer, can be used for ‘strain scanning’ of large engineering components as large as 1000 kilograms.

Hackathon success continues

ANSTO-nandin hackathon teams have combined skills using science and business innovation in three successive events.

Amy MacIntosh
Environmental Scientist - ANSTO

Amy is a zoologist and environmental scientist with expertise in biological sciences, biostatistics, ecological risk assessments and geographic information systems and a member at ANSTOs new Graduate Institute, currently specialising in collaborating wi

Building new knowledge of advanced materials in extreme environments

An international research collaboration between the University of New South Wales (UNSW), the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) and ANSTO has provided insights into the performance of advanced material for use in the high-temperature environment of molten salt systems.

PET innovation

Tool developed for producing F-18 radiopharmaceuticals for PET imaging.

Pip Wheaton
Associate Consultant - Arq Group

Pip is a passionate creative who is obsessed with applying design thinking to any and every project she can get her hands on, no matter the topic.

Eureka finalist

Two ANSTO scientists were part of a research team led by the University of Wollongong, who are finalists for the 2019 NSW Environment, Energy and Science (DPIE) Eureka Prize for Environmental Research.


United Uranium Scholarship - Guidelines

This scholarship recognises outstanding ability and promise in the field of nuclear science and technology, specifically as it applies to nuclear energy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a history of interest in nuclear energy and a desire to continue this interest.

Joseph Bevitt
Senior Instrument Scientist, Dingo

Role at ANSTO

Dr Joseph Bevitt is a senior instrument scientist on the Dingo radiograph/tomography/imaging station, and scientific coordinator for the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.
