Role at ANSTO
Anwen joined the Chemical Deuteration team at the National Deuteration Facility as a synthetic chemist in January 2014. Anwen is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the laboratories and is responsible for the operation of the suite of Parr reactors used for deuteration chemistry.
Anwen has experience in organic synthesis, Parr deuteration, flash chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance.
Anwen joined ANSTO in 2011 as part of the Graduate Development program and worked in the Radiochemistry group of ANSTO LifeSciences from 2011-2013. Her research involved the synthesis and radiolabelling of new fluorinated radiopharmaceuticals to investigate diseases including Alzheimer’s, depression and stroke.
Qualifications & Achievements
- PhD (University of Western Sydney) - 2015
- Grad. Cert. Res. Comm.- University of Technology, Sydney, 2010
- BSc (Hon., Class I)- University of Western Sydney, 2007
- BSc (Adv. Sci.)- University of Western Sydney, 2006
Anwen was awarded a 2013 Science and Industry Endowment Fund – Australian Academy of Science Fellowships to the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.
Anwen was selected by Scientific American as one of the 30 most promising young chemists attending the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Anwen was profiled in their series ’30 under 30’.
Anwen was awarded the Royal Society of NSW Scholarship in 2012 and the University Medal from the University of Western Sydney in 2008.
Anwen is a member of the Royal Australian Chemical Society (MRACI CChem) and Women in Nuclear (WiN).