Showing 221 - 240 of 409 results
Landscape reconstruction
Research to assess the impact of recent landscape change by measuring fundamental geomorphic processes that are the result of long-term landscape evolution.
The International Year of Light comes to an end
Australia's radioactivity measurement centre officially opened
Funding and infrastructure boost for Australian Synchrotron
$80.2 million in new funding to expand the research capabilities of the Australian Synchrotron.
An investigation of residual stresses in insulated rail joints
Particle therapy update
ANSTO physicist will gain further experience in particle therapy technologies.
First synchrotron light is a milestone for new instruments at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron
NSTO’S major project to introduce eight new beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron has reached a milestone with the delivery of ‘first light’ to the new MEX-1 beamline.
ANSTO welcomes new Board Chair Michael Quigley
New low level waste storage technology enhances safety, access and efficiency
The Waste Management Services group at ANSTO is now using a new automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) that will enhance safety, access and efficiency.
Seeing into dinosaur bone
Australia’s best known carnivorous dinosaur Australovenator is under the microscope at ANSTO
Science talk: photonics to shine a new light on cancer treatment
Australia’s 2022 project to repatriate radioactive waste
Planning is now underway for a second repatriation project which is scheduled to take place in 2022. Find out more information.
OPAL reactor back online after planned long shutdown
ANSTO’s OPAL multi-purpose research reactor at Lucas Heights has officially returned to power and recommenced operations, following a months-long planned shutdown to carry out essential maintenance and upgrades.
ANSTO scientists among recipients of 2024 Australian Neutron Users Group Awards
Nobel Prizes recognise insights at molecular and atomic scale
The Nobel Prizes for Physics, Chemistry and Medicine have been announced.
Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.
ANSTO and the Powerhouse Museum: a powerful new partnership for the applied arts and sciences
ANSTO, the home of Australia’s nuclear science expertise and the Powerhouse Museum, home of Australia’s excellence and innovation in the applied arts and sciences will collaborate on research projects, establish an Indigenous Cultural Research Scholarship and combine efforts on STEM outreach activities.
Sharing expertise on next generation batteries
ANSTO neutron diffraction scientist was among the experts presenting on next-generation batteries at South Korean conference.
Role at ANSTO