ANSTO Synroc® - Waste Treatment Technology
ANSTO Synroc technology provides a safe, secure matrix for the immobilisation and final disposal of radioactive waste.
Showing 201 - 220 of 392 results
ANSTO Synroc technology provides a safe, secure matrix for the immobilisation and final disposal of radioactive waste.
ANSTO seeks candidates who are passionate about making a contribution to Australian society through supporting nuclear science and technology.
Mathematical insights explain inconsistencies in experimental data: pyrochlore transformation into defect fluorite or not?
Discover the amazing world of nuclear science from your classroom. Join us for Meet an Expert, Nuclear Science Inquiry Skills, Junior Science, and Online Depth Study sessions for Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science.
Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.
ANSTO is Australia’s nuclear centre of excellence. It has a mandated role to advise the Australian Government on all nuclear and science technology matters.
How expensive and time consuming are your tests for optimising your catalyst?
Dr Joseph Bevitt is a senior instrument scientist on the Dingo radiograph/tomography/imaging station, and scientific coordinator for the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.
Role at ANSTO
Rutherford backscattering primarily provides information about the concentration of elements VS depth in a light material.
Radioisotopes are widely used in medicine, industry, and scientific research. New applications for radioisotopes are constantly being developed.
There has been an increasing pressure on construction industrial sector to utilise innovative materials that not only meet the requirements of ambitious architectural designs, but also reduce CO2 emissions.
Research on the mechanism of cell death has insights to bring progress on neurodegenerative diseases and plant biosecurity.