Space research enabled with new capability
New high energy ion microprobe beamline supports space research on the effects of radiation on astronauts.
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New high energy ion microprobe beamline supports space research on the effects of radiation on astronauts.
The new Micro Computed Tomography (MCT) beamline is the first instrument to become operational as part of the $94 million Project BRIGHT program, which will see the completion of eight new beamlines at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron.
Researchers developing new materials and devices that can withstand the harsh radiation environment in space are using the unique ANSTO’s capability to simulate the effects of high-energy ion irradiation on the properties and performance of these materials and devices.
ANSTO is a partner on the National Space Qualification Network (NSQN) led by the Australian National University (ANU) that will transform Australia into a world-leading space centre by enhancing facilities to test payloads, components, and hardware prior to their use in harsh environments of space.
ANSTO has provided supporting experimental evidence of a highly unusual quantum state, a quantum spin liquid (QSL), in a two-dimensional material.
New facility will greatly enhance Australia’s capability in stress engineering for industry
ANSTO groundwater experts have collaborated with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on a comprehensive survey of groundwater resources in the state.
A team of researchers from ANSTO and University of Technology Sydney have set a record by conducting thin film experiments at 1100 degrees C.
A sparrow with 257 parts weighing more than 29 tonnes arrives safely at ANSTO
The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS) is a major research facility for neutron science that comprises a suite of neutron instruments with a range of techniques for scientific investigations in physics, chemistry, materials science, medicine and environmental science among other fields.
The ANSTO Innovation Series is a live and virtual meet-up that focuses on the key capacities of ANSTO’s people, partners and facilities and how they are meeting global challenges in sustainable industries, medicine, advanced manufacturing and in accelerating small business.
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Speakers
A large international team has provided an understanding of how nanoscale interactions affect the thermal stability of a type of next generation organic solar cells.
Jake studied Mechatronic Engineering at UNSW, completing a thesis on the development of a stair climbing wheelchair.