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Showing 181 - 200 of 1524 results

Magnetism at ANSTO


As an experimental tool for the study of magnetism, neutron scattering is without equal in its range of applications.

Woman standing next to accelerator transport line

Particle Accelerators

The Accelerator Science group purse a broad research program with the aims of improving the performance and reliability of our accelerators, increasing their research capabilities and developing the next generation of accelerator technology.

Jacky Hou
Senior RF Engineer

Role at ANSTO 

Mr Bryce Karnaghan
Principal Controls Engineer

Bryce has a practical background in control systems spanning 25 years.

Incredible Insects Competition

Incredible Insects Competition 2022

Are you a school student who likes a creative challenge? Enter our new Incredible Insects Competition during the month of July 2021! You could win yourself a prize pack worth over $100! School students from all States/ Territories of Australia are invited to enter.

Rob Russell biodeuteration


Biodeuteration involves the growth of microorganisms in a heavy water (deuterium oxide) culture medium supplemented with either a deuterated or hydrogenated carbon substrate, depending on the level of deuteration required. The biomass is harvested and the deuterated molecule (e.g. protein) is purified and characterised.

Eduroam Service

Eduroam Service

ANSTO provides eduroam services for partnering institutions in Australia and around the world.
