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OPAL Reactor Fuel Shipment

You can attribute the following to OPAL Reactor Manager, David Vittorio:

“The OPAL nuclear reactor is powered by fuel assemblies (known as fuel rods) which include components manufactured overseas in the United States and France,” Mr Vittorio said.

“About three – four times per year, ANSTO receives a shipment of fresh fuel and other equipment which is used in the operation of the reactor, the production of nuclear medicine, and in support of research.

“Today ANSTO received the latest such shipment, after it was transported from France on a normal commercial flight and via road transport to Lucas Heights.

“We thank the State and Federal Police who assist in such operations.

“On average, every Australian will need access to the nuclear medicine during their lifetime, for diagnosis of various heart, lung and muscular skeletal conditions, and treatment of specific types of cancer.

“Some 12,000 doses of nuclear medicine are sent each week to more than 250 hospitals and nuclear medicine centres in Australia and the region.”



ANSTO, Australia’s knowledge centre for nuclear science and engineering, leverages great science to deliver big outcomes. We partner with scientists and engineers and apply new technologies to provide real-world benefits.

Our work improves human health, saves lives, builds our industries, and protects the environment. ANSTO is the home of Australia’s most significant landmark and national infrastructure for research. Thousands of scientists from industry and academia benefit from gaining access to state-of-the-art instruments every year.


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