Showing 141 - 160 of 235 results
Japanese scientists collaborate on self-healing ceramics for nuclear reactors
ANSTO researchers have taken up the challenge to develop a coating for the cladding used in nuclear reactors to prevent it from taking up hydrogen and releasing it if temperatures get too high and repair itself if damaged.
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Awards
You are invited to submit to the various awards from ANSTO, User Advisory Committee (UAC) and Australian Neutron Beam User Group (ANBUG).
Media Centre
About the ANSTO Hackathon
Role at ANSTO
Australian researchers connected to global developments in new and emerging nuclear energy technologies
The Australian Government recently signed a landmark emissions reduction technology deal with Great Britain, which includes nuclear energy and clean hydrogen among the six key low emission technologies the two countries hope to advance.
Australia completes first phase of its waste repatriation project
Collaborative research brings new insights into radioactive waste, nuclear fuel and nuclear waste forms
ANSTO researchers have demonstrated longstanding expertise in the study of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste with two recent journal articles in a special issue of Frontiers of Chemistry.
Communicating engaging nuclear science
Sharing ANSTO education expertise in nuclear with international secondary school teachers in IAEA training.
Sci-fi or sci-fact
Radon analytical facilities
Measurements of the naturally-occurring radioactive gas radon can be used to accurately categorise the degree of atmospheric mixing.
Role at ANSTO
Statement of Intent
In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
Groundwater study
Using isotopes to understand saltwater intrusion of Rottnest Island groundwater
ANSTO and University of Wollongong team up to sort sci-fi from sci-fact
Star power reached in nuclear fusion
Australian scientists from ANTSO have congratulated their British colleagues for a major advance in their quest to develop practical nuclear fusion.
Application approved for operation of interim waste store
Anonymised Review
ANSTO has agreed to participate in an Australian trial of a review of research infrastructure access proposals in which applicants remain anonymous to aid the removal of structural barriers to the career progression of Women in STEM.