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Showing 141 - 160 of 160 results

What's new in nuclear power technologies

It's ANSTO's role to keep Australia across the very latest developments in nuclear science and technology from around the world. Part of this responsibility is keeping us abreast of the latest developments in nuclear power technologies.

New underground lab to shed light on dark matter

Stage 1 of the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory was officially opened today. It will be home to multi-disciplinary scientists from five research partners who help us understand dark matter.

ANSTO welcomes new Board Chair

ANSTO is pleased to welcome The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC as the new ANSTO Board Chairperson, following the announcement from the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology. 

Feathery moa’s fossilised footprints, ancient age revealed

ANSTO scientist, Dr Klaus Wilcken of the Centre for Accelerator Science, used cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine the ages of layered sand and gravel samples, in which seven footprints of the flightless bird, the moa, were found on the South Island in New Zealand in 2019.

Excavation of dark matter lab completed

With all excavation completed and rock removed from the underground site, the physics lab will now be built within the caverns of the Stawell Mines site.

Magnetism at ANSTO


As an experimental tool for the study of magnetism, neutron scattering is without equal in its range of applications.
