Showing 141 - 160 of 305 results
Synchrotron saved with half billion dollar funding stream
Unearthing immune responses to common drugs
Leadership changes at ANSTO
This afternoon, the Chair of ANSTO, Dr Annabelle Bennett, wrote to all staff to let them know that CEO Dr Adi Paterson has decided to resign. She said the Board is deeply appreciative of the contributions Adi has made, including to the health, research and academic outputs of ANSTO during his tenure. Mr Shaun Jenkinson will continue as Acting CEO, while the Board undertakes a global search for a permanent CEO.
Secrets of Australian Basket-Web spider’s silk
The Australian crab spider Saccodomus formivorus is the only spider known to weave a unique basket-like web; however, the key to its remarkable design and robust structure is unknown.
United Uranium Scholarship - Guidelines
This scholarship recognises outstanding ability and promise in the field of nuclear science and technology, specifically as it applies to nuclear energy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a history of interest in nuclear energy and a desire to continue this interest.
Reducing cadmium in cocoa
New international limits on the cadmium content of cacao products have spurred research to discover how cadmium accumulates in cacao beans, and the effects of processing.
Highlights - Water Isotope Network
Highlights on the Water Isotope Network project.
Powerful collaborations using ANSTO scientific infrastructure help to improve cancer outcomes
ANSTO's neutrons will help miners see what's inside drill cores with new clarity
The mining industry is set to benefit from a new Australian capability that uses a nuclear scanning technique to detect the presence of precious metals and strategic minerals in a core sample.
Rare boomerangs used by ancestors of Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka people dated at ANSTO
A rare collection of traditional Aboriginal wooden objects in varying degrees of preservation found along a dry creek bed in South Australia have been dated to a period spanning 1650 to 1830 at the Centre for Accelerator Science at ANSTO.
Nuclear medicine congress
Congress marks watershed moment for nuclear medicine and ANSTO
Data Analysis
Below lists some useful programs for data reduction, search matching, analysis and structure visualisation of diffraction data.
Distinguishing black carbon sources
MABI instrument can determine both the concentration and source of black carbon pollution in the atmosphere.
Critical minerals projects funded under Australian Research Centre Projects Program
ANSTO is contributing to key critical minerals projects funded by the Federal Government.
Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.
OPAL 2024 Shutdown
ANSTO's OPAL reactor is one of the world's most advanced and reliable research reactors today. To ensure we can continue operating OPAL safely and reliably and maximise utilisation, ANSTO must regularly carry out maintenance and upgrades.
Role at ANSTO
Project highlights
The Minerals consultancy group at ANSTO has expertise in chemical engineering, metallurgy, mineralogy, chemistry, geology, and radiation safety. We can support our client's project by providing process development services, technical review, and research.