Statement from the ANSTO Chair: Dr Annabelle Bennett
Dr Adi Paterson has resigned as CEO of ANSTO slightly ahead of time of his term. He has decided to take a period of leave before formally finishing.
Adi can be proud of his contribution to the health, research and academic outputs of ANSTO during his tenure. He is regarded as an excellent engineer, an enthusiastic champion of his people and his organisation, and one who never stops striving for excellence. He is fascinated with technology, loves to start new things, especially if they are new to the world, and revels in the challenges that offers.
Adi has led ANSTO since 2009, and during his time has overseen many notable achievements:
Ongoing operation of OPAL, the Open Pool Australian Light water research reactor located at Lucas Heights. OPAL is one of the most reliable and productive reactors in the world.
Working with the Australian Synchrotron at Clayton, Victoria, then taking over operation of the Synchrotron and integrating it into ANSTO.
Raising nearly $100m from universities and research institutes to fund construction of additional beamlines.
Negotiating funding for, then completing the new ANSTO Nuclear Medicine facility at Lucas Heights, which started bulk production of the source material Molybdenum-99 in 2019.
Leading construction of the first-of-a-kind Synroc waste treatment plant.
Restructuring of the research organisation from a series of stand-alone institutes to an integrated research organisation focussed on the nation’s priorities.
Continuing to grow the output and range of nuclear medicines available through ANSTO, such that on average, 2 in 3 Australians receive an ANSTO product at some point in their lifetime.
Building relationships locally, to improve ANSTO’s standing and reputation.
Establishing the Innovation Precinct with foundation funding from the NSW Government, an important initiative in the Sutherland Shire.
Building strong and deep relationships with academic institutions both locally and overseas.
Participating fully in the global community through the IAEA, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia and the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Asia and the Pacific.
Participating as a Male Champion of Change; being the first signatory to the SAGE (Science Australia Gender Equity) initiative in 2016, then achieving a Bronze accreditation in the first round.
Mr Shaun Jenkinson will continue as acting CEO, while the Board undertakes a global search for a permanent CEO.
On behalf of the Board, I thank Adi for his many years of tireless commitment to ANSTO, and for the changes he has achieved. We wish him well in the next phase of his career.