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Showing 141 - 160 of 178 results

ANSTO helping to ensure the safety of astronauts in space

A team of ANSTO health researchers, staff at the Centre for Accelerator Science and Dr Melanie Ferlazzo, a postdoc from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), and scientists from the French Space Agency (CNES), are collaborating on investigations to determine the impact of secondary particles on human cells using the new microprobe beamline at ANSTO’s Centre for Accelerator Science.

Novel idea of recycling CO2 in mining earns scientist win in Falling Walls Lab

Dr Jessica Hamilton, a beamline scientist at the Australian Synchrotron, has won the Falling Walls Lab competition hosted by the Australian Academy of Science for her 3 minute presentation on a novel approach to using mining waste for carbon dioxide capture and a source of carbonate minerals. The event is held to deliver solutions to some of the most promising challenges of our time.

Going underground to understand Australia's past climate variability

Given the importance of water in Australia, surprisingly, there is relatively little information about the past variability of rainfall on this continent. Although there is a good annual record of the past 100 years in Australia, there is nothing much before that period and no known cave deposit records exist for New South Wales.

Seabird feathers

Advanced imaging reveals unusual, unseen patterns in seabird feathers.

Services - Koala

Services - Koala

Sample environments, Data analysis and reduction on the Koala instrument.

Melbourne - Access

Melbourne Access Proposals

ANSTO’s user office in Melbourne offers access to the Australian Synchrotron, a world-class research facility with over 4,000 user visits per year. ANSTO seeks collaboration and partnerships with research organisations, scientific users and commercial users.

New partnership

Australia and Sri Lanks signs new partnership to fight chronic kidney disease.

ANSTO welcomes $13.9M critical minerals funding

Rare earth elements will be a key area of focus for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s Minerals unit as it welcomes a $13.9 million funding allocation under the Australian Critical Minerals Research and Development Hub
