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Showing 121 - 140 of 478 results

Woman in scanner

Human health research

Human health researchers at ANSTO use world-class nuclear and isotopic techniques to undertake research and development activities to address some of the most challenging health problems.

FNCA Meeting

Combining resources and expertise to address climate change in the Asia-Pacific

Professor Vanessa Peterson
Senior Principal Research and Neutron Scattering Instrument Scientist

Role at ANSTO

  • Leader, Energy Materials Research Project
Infrastructure Cultural Heritage

Infrastructure - Cultural Heritage

In Australia and the Southeast Asia basin, the ANSTO facility offers a wide range of unique nuclear-beam techniques for cultural heritage research.

University appointment

Dr Anna Paradowska has been appointed as a Conjoint Professor of Practice in Advanced Structural Materials at the University of Sydney.

Andrew Peele
Group Executive Nuclear Science and Technology

Andrew Peele was appointed Group Executive for ANSTO Nuclear Science and Technology in July 2021 and was Director of the Australian Synchrotron from 2013 -2021. He is an adjunct Professor of Physics at La Trobe University.
