Role at ANSTO
- Leader, Energy Materials Research Project
- Neutron Instrument Scientist, Powder Diffraction (Wombat and Echidna instruments)
- Honorary Professorial Fellow, Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, University of Wollongong
- Functional materials characterisation, specialising in real-time methods
- Understanding materials function by relating atomic-scale structure and dynamics to material properties.
- Structure/dynamics-property characterisation using neutron and X-ray scattering, as well as computational modelling methods.
- Functional energy materials specialist including battery, fuel cell, and porous framework materials for the storage and separation of energy relevant gases including hydrogen and carbon dioxide
- Condensed matter materials of interest include porous coordination framework materials, energy-industry relevant materials such as batteries, gas-separation and storage materials, and fuel-cells, as well as cement.
See Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hFtUb7AAAAAJ&hl=en
- Australian X-ray Analytical Association’s Bob Cheary Award for Excellence in Diffraction Analysis for “Significant long-term contributions to diffraction analysis” (2020) (first woman awarded)
- Australian Neutron Beam Users Group neutron award for "Outstanding research in neutron science and leadership promoting the Australian neutron scattering community (> 10 years post PhD) (2019) (First woman awarded)
- Sandy Mathieson Medal for "Distinguished contributions to science involving X-ray, neutron, or electron diffraction and/or imaging" (2017) (First woman awarded)
- AIP NSW Young Tall Poppy Award (2013)
- Eureka People's Choice Awards Finalist (2011)
- Brunauer award from the Cements Division of the American Ceramic Society for best cement publication (2005)
- Young Scientist's Award at the International Conference on Neutron Scattering in Munich, Germany (2001)
Academic and Employment
- Senior Principal Research and Neutron Instrument Scientist, Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (2018)
- Honorary Professorial Fellow, Institute for Superconducting & Electronic Materials, Uni. of Wollongong (2016)
- Principal Research and Neutron Instrument Scientist, Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (2010)
- Neutron Instrument Scientist, The Bragg Institute, ANSTO (2007)
- Research Associate, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney (2006)
- Research Associate, University of Maryland, working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research, USA. (2004)
- Assistant Researcher, School of Chemistry, Materials, and Forensic Science, University of Technology, Sydney (2003)
- PhD (Awarded May 2004) UTS and Neutron Scattering Group, ANSTO. “Diffraction investigations of cement clinker and tricalcium silicate using Rietveld analysis”.
- Research Officer: UNASCO: Engineers in High Technology Polymers. (2000)
- B. App. Sc. (First Class Honours – Chemistry, 1999), University of Technology, Sydney. “Effect of zeolite addition on Cs+ and Sr2+ diffusivity through cement paste”.
- Honours Research, Materials Division and Accelerator groups, ANSTO. (1998)
- Research Officer, Advanced Materials, ANSTO: Sol-gel encapsulation of enzymes. (1997)
- Research Officer, Sustainable Technologies Australia: Titanate-based photovoltaic cells (1997)
Committees, Affiliations & memberships
- 2022-2026 Editorial Advisory Board, Batteries & Supercaps (Chemistry Europe journal by Wiley-VCH7.09)
- 2021-2023 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry “Recommendations for terms relating to materials characterization: Latin and other introduced terms “ Task Group Chair
- 2021+ Assessor, College of Assessors of the New Zealand Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment
- 2020+ Assessor, UK Research and Innovation Grant Assessment
- 2020 Invited Editor, In situ & operando methods for electrochemical energy storage and conversion, Batteries and Supercaps
- 2020+ Editorial Board, Discover Materials, Springer.
- 2020+ Neutron Advisory Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- 2018-2022 Director-at-Large International Centre for Diffraction Data (USA)
- 2018+ Review Editor in Energy Materials, Frontiers in Materials.
- 2017+ Core member of the International Union of Crystallography Commission on Neutron Scattering (formal adviser to the United Nations)
- 2010+ Co-regional Chair Indian-Rim Region, International Centre for Diffraction Data
- 2007+ Beamtime Reviewer: Spallation Neutron Source (SNS, USA, 2011), Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-Parc, Japan, 2010), Advanced Photon Source (APS, USA, 2011), Australian Synchrotron (Australia, 2007), Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS, Australia, 2007)
- 2006+ Manuscript Reviewer for many high-impact journals including Nature, Nature Materials, Energy and Environmental Science, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie.
- 2020-2014 Vice President, Australian X-ray Analytical Association
- 2018-2016 Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) program (ANSTO) core team and task leader
- 2018-2015 Review Editor in Hydrogen Storage and Production, Frontiers in Energy Research
- 2018-2012 Proposal Eval. & Energy & High Pressure Sub-Comm. Member, Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-Parc)
- 2016-2013 Executive Committee, ANSTO Gender Equity Program
- 2016-2011 Director-at-Large, International Centre for Diffraction Data (USA)
- 2015 Nuclear Science and Technology Working Group for major ANSTO research restructure
- 2014 Invited Editor, In‐situ and operando characterization of materials, Journal of Materials Research
- 2014-2008 President, Australian X-ray Analytical Association
- 2008-2007 Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering Instrument Advisory Teams: Backscattering spectrometer (2008), time of flight neutron polarization analysis spectrometer (2007), filter-analyzer neutron spectrometer (2007).
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, 2021+)
- Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI CChem, 2021+)
- Fellow, International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD, 2011)
- Australian X-ray Analytical Association (AXAA)
- Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ)
- Materials Research Society (MRS)
- American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
- Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG)
- Asia-Oceana Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA)