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Showing 121 - 140 of 145 results

Dr Meng Jun Qin
Materials Scientist - Modelling

Role at ANSTO

Dr Meng Jun Qin is a materials scientist with expertise in computer modelling

Prof Henk Heijnis
Director of the IAEA Collaboration Centre at ANSTO

As a Senior Principal Research Scientist, Henk is participating in several projects applying nuclear techniques to better understand climate changes of the past.

Phoebe's headshot
Wildlife Conservation Officer, Taronga Conservation Society Australia

Phoebe joined Taronga as part of the Wildlife Hospital team in 2012, where she developed a research interest in conservation forensics, leading an international project developing forensic tools to help save the world’s most hea

Ot Sisoutham
Instrument Scientist - Atmospheric Radon

Role at ANSTO 

Dr Pauline Treble
Project Joint Lead Investigator/Isotope Paleoclimateologist

Role at ANSTO

Professor Vanessa Peterson
Senior Principal Research and Neutron Scattering Instrument Scientist

Role at ANSTO

  • Leader, Energy Materials Research Project
Dr Miles Apperley
Group Executive Nuclear Safety, Security and Stewardship

In June 2022 Miles was appointed to a new role of Group Executive Nuclear Safety, Security and Stewardship with responsibility for all nuclear safety and security operations at ANSTO as well as coordination of al
