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Radioanalytical chemistry

Radioanalytical chemistry

ANSTO’s Radioanalytical Chemistry (RAC) facility combines techniques in radiochemistry and radiological measurement by alpha spectrometry, gamma-ray spectrometry, and liquid scintillation analysis to deliver radiological assessments.

Infrastructure Cultural Heritage

Infrastructure - Cultural Heritage

In Australia and the Southeast Asia basin, the ANSTO facility offers a wide range of unique nuclear-beam techniques for cultural heritage research.

Dr Bruce Begg
Executive Manager Consulting Services and Commercial Manager, Detection and Imaging

Dr Bruce Begg is Executive Manager Consulting Services and Commercial Manager, Detection and Imaging.

Improving rail transport

Funding awarded for research on an additive manufacturing technique for use on rail infrastructure.

Nuclear fuel

Fuel and spent fuel

ANSTO researchers are undertaking the fabrication and characterising advanced fuels and investigating the key properties of nuclear waste and its long-term interaction with containment materials to improve safety for short and long-term storage.

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