Community FAQs
Frequently asked questions about ANSTO for the community.
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Frequently asked questions about ANSTO for the community.
Access to a ‘window into the cell’ with University of Wollongong cryogenic electron microscope at ANSTO.
ANSTO seeks candidates who are passionate about making a contribution to Australian society through supporting nuclear science and technology.
The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS) is a major research facility for neutron science that comprises a suite of neutron instruments with a range of techniques for scientific investigations in physics, chemistry, materials science, medicine and environmental science among other fields.
This scholarship recognises outstanding ability and promise in the field of nuclear science and technology, specifically as it applies to nuclear energy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a history of interest in nuclear energy and a desire to continue this interest.
Scientists at ANSTO characterise structures with atomic detail using probes such as x-rays, electrons, neutrons and ions.
ANSTO is an experienced provider of Teacher Professional Development for Australian and International teachers and our courses cover a wide range of topics. Hear from expert speakers, receive new education resources, and develop lessons for your own class.
ANSTO works in partnerships and collaborative ventures with national and international organisations. Partner with ANSTO.
Although Australia does not use nuclear energy for power needs, it does have the nuclear capabilities, knowledge, and expertise provided by ANSTO to ensure the national interest in nuclear matters is protected and advanced.
On behalf of ANSTO thank you for your interest in our tours. We hope your visit to ANSTO will be both enjoyable and informative.
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) has joined a team, lead by the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), to install a high resolution monitoring system at ANSTO’s medical isotope production facility in Lucas Heights, Australia.
Book a date with the Discovery Centre for your class.
Sharing ANSTO education expertise in nuclear with international secondary school teachers in IAEA training.
The final report on the safety of Building 23 by the independent expert review team has been completed.
On behalf of Australia, ANSTO, the only nuclear reactor facility in Australia, supports the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to undertake its role in facilitating national, regional, and international efforts to enhance nuclear security, including measures to protect against nuclear terrorism.
Rochelle is a skilled professional with a Bachelor of Medical Science and is an accredited health physics surveyor.