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Showing 301 - 320 of 381 results

Sharing groundwater expertise

ANSTO expertise provides much-needed information about groundwater resources in the Mozambique capital and district.

Improving rail transport

Funding awarded for research on an additive manufacturing technique for use on rail infrastructure.

Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal and Early Career Award announced

The 2023 Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal has been awarded to Dr Yanxiang Meng from the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research and the University of Melbourne for his research investigating the molecular mechanism at work in a form of programmed cell death, which is implicated in a variety of inflammatory diseases.

Redefining measurements

ANSTO is part of collaboration conducting experiments to redefine the kilogram linking it to a fundamental constant of nature.

Reducing, reusing and recycling mining waste

Two approaches use existing low cost and low energy technologies to reuse stockpiled waste from mining operations - capturing carbon dioxide in the form of valuable carbonate minerals.

hills on Mars

The characterisation of planetary materials

ANSTO provides a range of capabilities using neutrons, X-rays and infrared radiation to study the solids, liquids and gases that might be found in materials in our solar system and beyond.

The characterisation of planetary materials

The characterisation of planetary materials

ANSTO provides a range of capabilities using neutrons, X-rays and infrared radiation to study the solids, liquids and gases that might be found in materials in our solar system and beyond.

New beamline provides state-of-the-art imaging capability

The new Micro Computed Tomography (MCT) beamline is the first instrument to become operational as part of the $94 million Project BRIGHT program, which will see the completion of eight new beamlines at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron.
