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Showing 241 - 260 of 271 results

New technique to improve global climate models

An investigation that set out to resolve some of the uncertainty in the sources and quantities of pollutants reaching Antarctica has produced a new experimental technique to identify and characterise recently terrestrially-influenced air reaching Antarctica.

Showcasing ANSTO's Innovative Technologies at Phoenix's Waste Management Symposia

ANSTO is taking its innovative ANSTO Synroc® and CORIS360® technologies to the world stage at the Waste Management Symposia 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona USA this week (10 – 14 March 2024). Joining over 45 other countries and around 3,000 attendees, an Australian Government contingent comprising of ANSTO and the Australian Radioactive Waste Agency is in attendance to showcase Australia’s extensive radioactive waste management capabilities.

Aerial image of ANSTO's Lucas Heights facility

Statement of Intent

In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.


Project highlights

The Minerals consultancy group at ANSTO has expertise in chemical engineering, metallurgy, mineralogy, chemistry, geology, and radiation safety. We can support our client's project by providing process development services, technical review, and research.

Carbon ion therapy

The Japanese experience with leading-edge radiation treatment for cancer shows tremndous success
