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Rob Russell biodeuteration


Biodeuteration involves the growth of microorganisms in a heavy water (deuterium oxide) culture medium supplemented with either a deuterated or hydrogenated carbon substrate, depending on the level of deuteration required. The biomass is harvested and the deuterated molecule (e.g. protein) is purified and characterised.

oil emulsion

Deuterated mineral oil enables polymer research

The National Deuteration Facility has supported industry through the synthesis of deuterated mineral oil, which was supplied to Japanese chemical manufacturer Mitsui Chemicals. Mitsui Chemicals specialises in polymeric materials for packaging, appliances, construction and other applications. 

Cosmetic chemistry

Deuteration and nuclear techniques can contribute to the science of beauty.

To D or not to D

New screening method developed to confirm if deuteration improves metabolic stability.

Ms Karen Wilde
NDF User Program Manager & Protein Labelling Specialist, National Deuteration Facility
Role at ANSTO
Ms Marina Cagnes
Deuteration Facility Chemist, National Deuteration Facility

Role at ANSTO:


Anonymised Review

ANSTO has agreed to participate in an Australian trial of a review of research infrastructure access proposals in which applicants remain anonymous to aid the removal of structural barriers to the career progression of Women in STEM.

Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

Proposals at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering and National Deuteration Facility.
