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Showing 181 - 200 of 261 results

Nuclear tech helps power Perseverance Rover on Mars

A large international research team led by Academia Sinica in Taiwan investigated how heat is transferred in an advanced thermoelectric material made with germanium (Ge) and tellurium (Te) and doped with antimony (Sb). These devices are used to power space probes such as the Mars Curiosity Rover.

Tracing the impact of toxic metals

Two ANSTO environmental scientists are part of a large team led by the Australian National University (ANU), who have received an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant to investigate how environmental change and human activities since industrialisation have impacted the transport and deposition of toxic metals on the south coast of Australia, Tasmania, and remote Southern Ocean islands.

ANSTO joins international counterparts in peaceful nuclear monitoring

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) has joined a team, lead by the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), to install a high resolution monitoring system at ANSTO’s medical isotope production facility in Lucas Heights, Australia.

PET innovation

Tool developed for producing F-18 radiopharmaceuticals for PET imaging.
