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Detection and Imaging team

About us

The Detection & Imaging group builds on ANSTO’s 70-year history of scientific achievements and contributions in meeting the nuclear needs of industry, globally.

Archive of publications 2017 and prior


Archive of ANSTO research publications, seminars and short talks.


Online learning

Discover the amazing world of nuclear science from your classroom. Join us for Meet an Expert, Nuclear Science Inquiry Skills, Junior Science, and Online Depth Study sessions for Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science.

Jack the Super Prawn

Jack the Super Prawn

Jack the Super Prawn lives in the Barrier Reef and uses his powers to protect the environment. With JackVac, he cleans up rubbish and impurities in seawater. With JackCopter, he soars high into the air, where you wouldn't normally see a prawn. Of course, powers like that help Jack find and clear up waste plastic. But Jack's main job is to educate young readers.

ANSTO welcomes $13.9M critical minerals funding

Rare earth elements will be a key area of focus for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s Minerals unit as it welcomes a $13.9 million funding allocation under the Australian Critical Minerals Research and Development Hub

High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline (MX3)

High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline (MX3)

The High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography beamline will enable the study of very small (sub-5 micrometre) or weakly diffracting crystals, providing a state-of-the-art high-throughput facility for researchers. MX3 will be able to study the structures of large proteins and protein complexes for virology, drug design and industrial applications via goniometer mounted crystals, in-tray screening, or via serial crystallography methods.

Project BRIGHT

Project BRIGHT

The BRIGHT Project will expand the beamline infrastructure of the Australian Synchrotron to increase both its capacity and capabilities.
