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Incredible Insects Competition

Incredible Insects Competition 2022

Are you a school student who likes a creative challenge? Enter our new Incredible Insects Competition during the month of July 2021! You could win yourself a prize pack worth over $100! School students from all States/ Territories of Australia are invited to enter.

12,000 year temperature record

A new continuous record of temperature dating back 12,000 years provides an import resource in understanding current and future climate changes,

ISMR plant

The evolution of molten salt reactors

Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear reactors that use a fluid fuel in the form of very hot fluoride or chloride salt rather than the solid fuel used in most reactors. Since the fuel salt is liquid, it can be both the fuel to produce heat and the coolant to transport the heat to a power plant.

High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline (MX3)

High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline (MX3)

The High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography beamline will enable the study of very small (sub-5 micrometre) or weakly diffracting crystals, providing a state-of-the-art high-throughput facility for researchers. MX3 will be able to study the structures of large proteins and protein complexes for virology, drug design and industrial applications via goniometer mounted crystals, in-tray screening, or via serial crystallography methods.

Nuclear tech helps power Perseverance Rover on Mars

A large international research team led by Academia Sinica in Taiwan investigated how heat is transferred in an advanced thermoelectric material made with germanium (Ge) and tellurium (Te) and doped with antimony (Sb). These devices are used to power space probes such as the Mars Curiosity Rover.

After your experiment

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the ANSTO Security Process, travel funding, ANSTO Research Portal and ACNS Customer Portal.

nandin building view from exterior


nandin is ANSTO’s Innovation Centre where science and technology entrepreneurs, startups and graduates meet industry expertise to experiment, co-create, innovate, and commercialise, creating new jobs in the high-growth industries of tomorrow.

To D or not to D

New screening method developed to confirm if deuteration improves metabolic stability.
