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ANSTO conducts and enables research to address some of Australia’s and the world’s most challenging environmental problems.

Nanoprobe Satellite Building

Nanoprobe beamline (NANO) UNDER CONSTRUCTION

The X-ray Fluorescence Nanoprobe beamline undertakes high-resolution X-ray microspectroscopy, elemental mapping and coherent diffraction imaging – providing a unique facility capable of spectroscopic and full-field imaging. Elemental mapping and XANES studies will be possible at sub-100 nm resolution, with structural features able to be studied down to 15 nm using scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy.

Andrew Peele
Group Executive Nuclear Science and Technology

Andrew Peele was appointed Group Executive for ANSTO Nuclear Science and Technology in July 2021 and was Director of the Australian Synchrotron from 2013 -2021. He is an adjunct Professor of Physics at La Trobe University.

Radiation measurement

Radiation measurement

ANSTO maintains national capabilities in radionuclide metrology, the measurement and detection of ionising radiation, radioanalytical chemistry and nuclear forensics to support industry, government and scientific users.

Far Infrared beamline

THz - Far Infrared

The THz/Far-IR Beamline couples the high brightness and collimation of a bend-magnet synchrotron radiation to a Bruker IFS125HR spectrometer providing high-resolution spectra (0.00096 cm-1) with signal to noise ratio superior to that of thermal sources up to 1350 cm-1 for gas-phase applications; the beamline also delivers signal to noise ratio superior to that of thermal sources up to 350 cm-1 for condensed phase samples.

Anna Sokolova
Instrument Scientist BILBY (SANS)/Small Angle Scattering Group Manager

Role at ANSTO

3D cell printing technology earns ANSTO Eureka Prize for Technology

Researchers and industry partners from UNSW Australia, the Australian Centre for Nanomedicine, Children’s Cancer Institute and Inventia Life Sciences Pty Ltd have been awarded the 2021 ANSTO Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology for their method to rapidly-produce 3D cell structures
