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Showing 1421 - 1435 of 1435 results

Dr Pauline Treble
Project Joint Lead Investigator/Isotope Paleoclimateologist

Role at ANSTO

Carol Azzam Mackay
Design and Innovation Manager

Dr Carol Azzam Mackay is the Design and Innovation Manager at nandin, ANSTO’s Innovation Centre.

Hutch B


Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.

Vu Nguyen
Radiopharmacology Interface/Radiotracer Evaluation Co-ordinator

Role at ANSTO

Con Lyras
Group Executive Capital Programs & Chief Engineer

Con was appointed Group Executive Major Capital Projects to focus exclusively on supporting ANSTO’s growth for the future.  

Instrument Scientist (The triple-axis spectrometers Sika and Taipan)

Role at ANSTO

Stefania Perrachi
Accelerator Beamline scientist
Role at ANSTO

Dr Stefania Peracchi is an accelerator beamline scientist at the Centre for Accelerator Science.

Dr Peter Kappen
Group Manager - Spectroscopy

Dr Peter Kappen manages the Spectroscopy Group at the Australian Synchrotron.
