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Showing 141 - 160 of 164 results

Updating the record

Today The Australian ran a story entitled “Fears for indigenous lands as foreign nuclear waste headed our way”, 18 September 2018. ANSTO was not contacted in relation to the article, but can provide the following information in response which can be attributed to a spokesperson.

Infrared microspectroscopy

Infrared microspectroscopy

The Infrared Microspectroscopy beamline combines the high brilliance and collimation of the synchrotron beam through a Bruker V80v Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and into a Hyperion 3000 IR microscope to reach high signal-to-noise ratios at diffraction limited spatial resolutions between 3-8 μm.

Tracing the impact of toxic metals

Two ANSTO environmental scientists are part of a large team led by the Australian National University (ANU), who have received an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant to investigate how environmental change and human activities since industrialisation have impacted the transport and deposition of toxic metals on the south coast of Australia, Tasmania, and remote Southern Ocean islands.

Fission vs fusion: an explainer

The release of the Oppenheimer film, the story of the director of the Manhattan Project,  has prompted many people to go online and search for an explanation of the difference between fission and fusion, two fundamental scientific concepts.

Data sets

Data sets

Your students can analyse real research data from ANSTO scientists.

Inspiration from Dharawal educator

Dharawal educator Fran Bodkin has spent a good part of her eighty plus years, studying or sharing information about the therapeutic and nutritional properties of traditional indigenous plants and wildlife.
