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Work Health and Safety

ANSTO operates Work Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems designed to ensure the safety of its employees, partners and members of the public to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.

Dr Anthony Duff
Structural Biologist, National Deuteration facility

Role at ANSTO

Pip Wheaton
Associate Consultant - Arq Group

Pip is a passionate creative who is obsessed with applying design thinking to any and every project she can get her hands on, no matter the topic.

Ms Karen Wilde
NDF User Program Manager & Protein Labelling Specialist, National Deuteration Facility
Role at ANSTO
Dr Hanliang Zhu
Principal Research Scientist, Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Role at ANSTO

Instrument scientist for the Quokka small angle neutron scattering instrument.


Shaun Jenkinson
Chief Executive Officer

Shaun Jenkinson is currently Chief Executive Officer of ANSTO.
