Role at ANSTO
Dr Kimpton leads the scientific direction and beamline design of the two Advanced Diffraction & Scattering (ADS) beamlines for ANSTO’s BRIGHT Program at the Australian Synchrotron. The role includes design of the X-ray optical systems and endstation equipment that will allow a variety of research communities to access high-energy synchrotron X-rays. ADS-1 will be capable of experiments requiring monochromatic and white beam. Flexible endstation design will allow a range of experiment configurations: large and heavy samples (up to 300 kg) and a variety of sample environments such as furnaces, heaters, cryogenic coolers, mechanical load rigs and pressure cells. ADS-2 is a dedicated monochromatic diffraction beamline with three fixed beam energies at 45.3 keV, 74.0 keV or 86.8 keV. It is suited for smaller, lighter samples using techniques such as powder diffraction, single crystal diffraction and Total Scattering.
Prior to joining the BRIGHT program, Dr Kimpton led the Powder Diffraction beamline team at the Australian Synchrotron (2012-2018) and was responsible for planning, designing and implementing major optical and performance upgrades. The Powder Diffraction beamline has been an exceptionally effective tool for the study of new energy materials, earth and environmental systems, engineering materials, and structure/function relationships of advanced materials. Researchers using this beamline have published more than 800 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles since 2009.
Dr Kimpton’s main research interests include the development and structural characterisation of new materials for emerging energy conversion technologies using in situ X-ray diffraction techniques. Other research interests and collaborations include engineering materials, mineral processing technologies and electronic materials.
Laboratory and synchrotron-based powder diffraction; in situ diffraction methods; synchrotron beamline design; material science; high-temperature ceramic preparation and processing; fuel cell technology; energy storage; and industrial processing.
Qualifications & Achievements
- Lead Scientist – Advanced Diffraction & Scattering beamlines (2018 - )
- Principal Beamline Scientist – Powder Diffraction beamline (2012 - 2018)
- Beamline Scientist – Powder Diffraction beamline (2008 – 2012)
- Post-doctoral fellow in the School of Physics, University of Melbourne (2003 - 2008)
- PhD in Chemistry at Swinburne University of Technology (2002)
- Member of the Materials Characterisation Group, CSIRO Materials Science and Technology Division (1997 – 2002)
- Bachelor of Applied Chemistry, Swinburne University of Technology (1989 - 1992)