Showing 101 - 120 of 392 results
A little ANSTO science ingenuity in software helps Mars helicopter flight
ANSTO has made a contribution to the successful NASA/JPL Ingenuity helicopter flight on Mars through instrument scientist, Dr Andrew Nelson, who was one of the many developers of the open-source software SciPy used in the flight.
More progress on understanding COVID-19
Understanding how COVID supresses the immune system may lead to antiviral strategies
ANSTO Chair Announcement - Reappointment of ANSTO CEO
The Chair of ANSTO, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, AC SC, announced today that Mr Shaun Jenkinson has been reappointed as the Chief Executive Officer of ANSTO.
Bring the Periodic Table to life with Augmented Reality
This science week ANSTO is releasing a new way for students across Australia to learn about the periodic table of elements with augmented reality (AR). ANSTO's Free AR experience unlocks the periodic table to reveal a world of protons, neutrons and electrons and illustrates how useful they are to science and industry in the 21st century.
Research to provide critical knowledge on groundwater residence times, important catchments and aquifers in order to ensure sustainable yields of groundwater resources.
ANSTO Minerals to present at metallurgical conference
ALTA 2018
ANSTO welcomes new Board Member
Young researcher lighting path to see-through solar panels
Portable XRF technology is viable approach for seafood provenance
Research indicates that the portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) is an appropriate analytical technique for determining seafood provenance at external sites.
Australia plans to combat looming medicine supply crisis
Blueprint for future drugs
Structure of protein involved in immune response pair revealed.
Independent Report - Safety of Building 23
ANSTO has released the Independent Safety Review of Building 23 - Nuclear medicine production facility.
ANSTO'S National Science Week Hackathon
CORIS360® case studies
View these case studies for a more detailed look at industry challenges and how CORIS360® radiation imaging technology is improving operational decision making and keeping workers safe.
ANSTO Synroc® Treatment Facility
ANSTO Synroc® is constructing an Australian radioactive waste treatment facility for the by-products of Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) production.
You can now buy that perfect Christmas gift and support Australian research
If you have someone to buy for who loves gifts that “give back” or prefers gifts that are interesting and thought-provoking–look no further.
Dr Peter Kappen helping to shape Australia’s innovation future
ANSTO team presents at the IAEA’s Train-the-Trainers Regional Training Course for Radiation Protection Officers in Vienna
Staff from ANSTO’s High Reliability team, Prashant Maharaj, Tina Paneras, and Sam Sonter were honoured to present at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Train-the-Trainers Regional Training Course for Radiation Protection Officers in Vienna, Austria on 16 to 20 January 2023.