Showing 801 - 820 of 961 results

Teachers Down Under Head to CERN: Australian Educators Selected for International High School Teacher Program
Part of the Large Hardon Collider

2022 Shorebirds Competition Summary and Results
Shorebirds Competition 2022 results.

Development of radioisotopes
Research and development activity explores new, boutique radioisotopes, including positron, gamma and beta/gamma emitter. The aim is to provide material for the next generation of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals

As a Senior Principal Research Scientist, Henk is participating in several projects applying nuclear techniques to better understand climate changes of the past.

Role at ANSTO
Dr Richard Mole is an instrument scientist co-responsible for the cold-neutron time-of-flight spectrometer PELICAN.

Dr Storr has worked for over 40 years in nuclear science and technology in a range of positions spanning operations, research and executive management.

Principal Scientist – X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy

I am a particle physicist and a research leader at the ANSTO Human Health.
Critical minerals projects funded under Australian Research Centre Projects Program
ANSTO is contributing to key critical minerals projects funded by the Federal Government.
Cross collaboration on highly competitive funding for projects and facilities
Building knowledge of changes in uranium chemistry
A new systematic investigation of the origins of atomic structural distortions in compounds containing uranium has relevance for spent nuclear fuel .
Silicon irradiation
ANSTO is one of the world's leading providers of irradiation services for silicon ingots, which are used by the multimillion dollar electronics industry across Europe and Asia. Each year, ANSTO irradiates more than 50 tonnes of silicon.

Role at ANSTO

Highlights - Energy Materials
Highlights of the Energy Materials Project.

UM2022 Speakers
ANSTO is the new production partner of OncoBeta® GmbH in Australia
Innovative medical device Rhenium-SCT® therapy for non-melanoma skin cancer is now available in Australia
OPAL reactor back online after planned long shutdown
ANSTO’s OPAL multi-purpose research reactor at Lucas Heights has officially returned to power and recommenced operations, following a months-long planned shutdown to carry out essential maintenance and upgrades.

Radiotracer studies
The use of radioisotopes, radiolabeled molecules and radioactive particles in conjunction with a range of quantitative imaging spectroscopy and radiation counting methods.