UM2022 Speakers
UM2022 would like to thank all of the invited speakers for their time to present at this year's event.

Plenary Speakers

Carolyn Larabell
Carolyn Larabell is Professor and Vice-Chair of the Department of Anatomy at University of California, San Francisco. She holds a joint appointment with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where she is an Advanced Light Source Professor, Director of the National Center for x-ray Tomography, and Head of the Cellular and Tissue Imaging Department. She received her Ph.D. from Arizona State University and did postdoctoral research at Stanford University and University of California, Davis. She is a Cell Biologist with an extensive background in light and electron microscopy and a long history of developing and implementing new imaging technologies. For the past two decades, she has been developing biological soft x-ray tomography. To image molecules with respect to cell structures, her lab developed cryo fluorescence tomography. This enables localizing specific molecules using cryo fluorescence tomography and placing them in the context of native-state structures in the same cell seen with cryo soft x-ray tomography.

Amina Taleb-Ibrahimi
Amina Taleb-Ibrahimi is a CNRS senior scientist. She joined the CNRS institution as a research fellow (CR1) in 1989 after a «Doctorat d’Etat ès Sciences Physiques» from University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris VI and 3 years of post-doc at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. She is now director of research (DRCE2) at CNRS.
Amina has been in charge of 3 beamlines for spectroscopic studies using synchrotron radiation, the IBM- U8 photoemission beamline at NSLS, Brookhaven Lab, the French-Swiss beamline at SUPERACO (LURE), the pionneer synchrotron radiation center in Orsay, France and the high resolution ARPES (Angular Resolved Photoemission) CASSIOPEE beamline at Synchrotron SOLEIL in Saclay, France.
Amina is a condensed matter physicist with strong expertise in low dimensional systems (growth, atomic structure, electronic structure). Her recent interest focussed on multiepitaxial graphene with a reference work (PRL 2010, Nature Physics 2013, Nature 2014, PRL 2015, Nanolletters 2017, nanotechnology 2020) and topological insulators thin films (PRL 2013, Nature Com 2014, PRL 2016, Science Advances 2017).
Amina has been participating to several national contracts (ANR, Labex PALM) and international (PUF- USA; JSPS-Japan). She is a scientific expert in a great number of institutionnal councils (French Universities, CNRS, HCERES,METSA, IRRMN, LNCMI,...) and also international councils of large scale facilities (LLB, ILL, ESS, ESRF, SOLEIL, XFEL, ...) and international scientific panels (ELETTRA, ALBA, Diamond, BESSYII, NSLSII, ANSTO, HMFL-FELIX, Univ.LUND, RAC Stockholm, ARTEMIS, HZB, Swedish council, STFC,...).
From 2012 to 2016 Amina was Deputy Scientific Director in charge of large scale facilities at the Institute of Physics at CNRS.
Amina co-authored >200 publications including (Science, Nature group, PRL, Nanolett, ...) with >11000 citations. She has presented over 50 talks/lectures in international conferences and schools.
Amina is very active regarding gender issues and equal opportunities. She is chair of the European Conference of Surface Science board ECOSS and member of the condensed Matter Department CMD board of the European Physical Society EPS.
Amina Taleb-Ibrahimi was nominated Science Director for Physical sciences at Synchrotron SOLEIL in September 2016.