Showing 81 - 100 of 528 results
Year 12 Investigating Science tour outline
Breakthrough on virus infecting rare and endangered parrots
COVID-19 proof, healthy workstation wins ACS COVID-19 Online Hackathon
Managing global malnutrition: Australian researchers map micronutrients in white rice
Year 12 Investigating Science depth study guide
Year 12 Investigating Science depth study guide
ANSTO shares award
Paper on redefinition of the kilogram receives international award
Silicon irradiation
ANSTO is one of the world's leading providers of irradiation services for silicon ingots, which are used by the multimillion dollar electronics industry across Europe and Asia. Each year, ANSTO irradiates more than 50 tonnes of silicon.
Pioneering research has confirmed that the current level of rainfall recharging groundwater in southwest WA is at its lowest for at least the last 800 years
In a world-first study, Australian environmental scientists have used cave stalagmites as a record of groundwater replenishment over time, that showed the current level of rainfall recharging groundwater in southwest WA is at its lowest for at least the last 800 years.
Advanced materials research
New oxygen ion conducting material for use in solid oxide fuel cells and other devices
Enhancing the science of rivets earns researcher early career award
Dr Rezwanul Haque, now a senior lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast, received a national Young Scientist Award for his earlier research using nuclear techniques at ANSTO’s Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering to find cracks and signs of stress in riveted joints in sheet metal in car bodies.

AUM2019 - Accommodation & Transport
Recommended accommodation and transport information.
Ionising radiation measurements evaluated in portable devices

Role at ANSTO
Governor-General visits ANSTO
His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley visited ANSTO’s Innovation Centre nandin and several facilities including the OPAL multipurpose reactor this week for a tour after learning of the ANSTO-nandin win in the NASA SpaceApps COVID 19 Challenge.

Radioactivity Measurement Standards
Radionuclide metrology is the technical function of measuring radioactivity of radionuclides.