Showing 81 - 100 of 960 results

Clip Day 2024 Accommodation, Meals and Transport

Lucas Heights Weather Station
ANSTO continually collects meteorological data from its 50-metre tower. A summary of ANSTO's climate statistics including temperature, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure and rainfall recorded at this location are provided below.
Getting the facts on milk fats: Melbourne research with potential to help premature babies digest milk

Radiation Monitoring
ANSTO continually monitors environmental gamma radiation from a station located in Engadine NSW. ANSTO uses environmental radiation data to evaluate atmospheric dispersion from its site. This radiation is almost completely natural background radiation.

Scientific Computing
The Scientific Computing team supports researchers by performing numerical simulations that complement experimental research. In particular, we use state-of-the-art software to perform computational quantum mechanical modelling, molecular dynamics simulations, lattice dynamics calculation, data analysis and visualisations.
What World Environment Day means to our scientists
ANSTO team presents at the IAEA’s Train-the-Trainers Regional Training Course for Radiation Protection Officers in Vienna
Staff from ANSTO’s High Reliability team, Prashant Maharaj, Tina Paneras, and Sam Sonter were honoured to present at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Train-the-Trainers Regional Training Course for Radiation Protection Officers in Vienna, Austria on 16 to 20 January 2023.
New Australian led patient-care project in the Asia and Pacific region launched in partnership with the IAEA
The IAEA is providing $1.3m over four years to implement a new, Australian-led patient-care project for the Asia and Pacific region
‘Atomic chicken-wire’ is key to faster DNA sequencing
An unusual and very exciting form of carbon - that can be created by drawing on paper - looks to hold the key to real-time, high throughput DNA sequencing, a technique that would revolutionise medical research and testing.

THz - Far Infrared
The THz/Far-IR Beamline couples the high brightness and collimation of a bend-magnet synchrotron radiation to a Bruker IFS125HR spectrometer providing high-resolution spectra (0.00096 cm-1) with signal to noise ratio superior to that of thermal sources up to 1350 cm-1 for gas-phase applications; the beamline also delivers signal to noise ratio superior to that of thermal sources up to 350 cm-1 for condensed phase samples.
Teachers hear from the experts at a Teacher Professional Development Day

ANSTO-University of Wollongong Joint Project Seed Funding

Amit Saha is a software engineer and author. He currently works for Atlassian in Sydney, Australia and has in the past worked for various companies including Red Hat and Sun Microsystems.
ANSTO scientists share Australian research with students on World Environment Day
Success of Australian Synchrotron Open Day reflects public interest in science
Close to 3000 members of the public decided to have a look at a building that is shaped like a doughnut, is as big as a football field and creates light more powerful than the sun when the Australian Synchrotron held its bi-annual Open Day held on Sunday, 16 October.
ANSTO’s participation in 68th IAEA General Conference in Vienna advances international cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology
ANSTO joined the Australian delegation at the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last month in Vienna, participating in a number of insightful side-events and fruitful bilateral partnership meetings.

New User Symposium 2023 Program
Timetable and Teams links