Showing 81 - 100 of 150 results
Understanding landscape evolution in intra-plate areas
Insights into the formation of deep river canyons mountain ranges in intra-tectonic plate areas by SAAFE Scholarship recipient and collaborators.
Innovator in energy and sustainability uses power of synchrotron light to make advances
Beamtime Guide - XFM
Beamtime Guide on the X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.
Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamline (MEX-1 and MEX-2)
The Medium Energy- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamlines will provide access to XANES and EXAFS data from a bending magnet source, optimised for cutting-edge applications in biological, agricultural and environmental science in an energy range that is not currently available at the Australia Synchrotron.
ANSTO User Meeting - Speakers
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Speakers
ANSTO and University of Wollongong team up to sort sci-fi from sci-fact
User Meeting 2022 - Prizes & Awards
You are invited to submit to the various awards from ANSTO, User Advisory Committee (UAC) and Australian Neutron Beam User Group (ANBUG).
User Meeting 2024 - Awards & Prizes
You are invited to submit to the various awards from ANSTO and the User Meeting 2024 organising committee.
FAQs - Macromolecular Crystallography
Frequently Asked Questions on the Macromolecular Crystallography beamlines (MX1 and MX2)
Novel idea of recycling CO2 in mining earns scientist win in Falling Walls Lab
Dr Jessica Hamilton, a beamline scientist at the Australian Synchrotron, has won the Falling Walls Lab competition hosted by the Australian Academy of Science for her 3 minute presentation on a novel approach to using mining waste for carbon dioxide capture and a source of carbonate minerals. The event is held to deliver solutions to some of the most promising challenges of our time.
Role at ANSTO
Role at ANSTO
Space research collaboration
ANSTO launches new area of space research in collaboration with the National Centre for Space Studies and the National Institute of Health and Medical research in France.
Terry has studied in Singapore and Australia, focusing on teaching design. He is passionate about cross-cultural interactive learning and design research to inspire new and innovative concepts.
Role at ANSTO
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Awards
You are invited to submit to the various awards from ANSTO, User Advisory Committee (UAC) and Australian Neutron Beam User Group (ANBUG).
Role at ANSTO
User access at the National Deuteration Facility
The National Deuteration Facility offers access to deuterated molecules prepared by both in vivo biodeuteration and chemical deuteration techniques.